Core Mindfulness
"What" Skills
"How" Skills
What does DBT stand for?
Dialectical Behavior Therapy

Mindfulness is...

-Focusing fully on the present moment

-Being in the here and now

-Being aware of ourselves and our surroundings, without using without judgement

-Accepting the present moment


What are the three "What" Skills?

1) Observe 2) Describe 3) Participate


What are the three "How" skills?

1) Non-Judgmentally 

2) One-Mindfully 

3) Effectively


Name the skill... 

-When you are eating, eat. 

-When you are walking, walk.


Distress Tolerance is...
Learning to cope with painful events.

The 3 core mindfulness skills are...

1) Wise Mind

2) "What" Skills

3) "How Skills


"What" skills are...

Ways to help us learn WHAT we can do to practice fully participating in what we are doing


"How" skills are...

Ways to help us learn HOW we can practice mindfulness


When we are being mindful of our senses in an experience, we focus on...

-What we see  

-What we hear

-What we feel/touch

-What we smell  

-What we taste

Thinking dialectically is...
* balancing both sides * no one person is wrong or right * the middle path * compromise * all perspectives are valid and considered * flexible thinking

Wise Mind is the balance of what two other states of mind?

-Emotion Mind

-Reasonable Mind


Name the skill...  

-Step back and be aware of the experience 

-Notice without judging or labeling 

-Take in information and notice new things  

-Being aware of our thoughts and emotions



Non-Judgmentally is...

-Seeing things as not good or bad 

-Looking at JUST the FACTS 

-Letting go of what is "fair" or "unfair", "right" or "wrong", what we "should" or "shouldn't" do or think, 

-Not judging ourselves or our surroundings 

-Not judging ourselves when we recognize we are using judgment, and instead using our awareness of this to acknowledge the consequences of using judgments, and the importance of non-judgmentally attending back to the present moment


Someone can practice eating mindfully by...

-Experiencing the food  

-ONLY eating  

-Slowing down  

-Noticing the different textures, smells, appearance, tastes, and sounds of the food


What are the four modules of DBT?

Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, Emotion Regulation, Interpersonal Effectiveness


Emotion Mind is...

-Thinking and behaving based off your emotions 

-Thinking irrationally 

-Responding ineffectively to difficult emotions, which can intensify the situation and make things worse



-Using words to represent what you observe

-Sensing and evaluating what you are experiencing  

-Noticing and knowing what you are thinking is JUST a thought, and not necessarily a fact 

How can describe help us?

-Gets you out of 'the haze' 

-Gets you grounded

-Brings your attention and focus to the present moment

-Forces us to take a pause from our immediate reactions and feelings, which can help us think and behave more effectively 


Name the skill...

-Doing one thing at a time, with full attention

-Letting go of distracting thoughts, feelings, or actions 

-Concentrating your mind

-Doing one thing at a time



Name 3 examples of activities you can do to practice mindfulness, AND explain what you have to do/how you can practice mindfulness during each activity...



-Going for a walk

-Breathing exercises


-Body Scan


DBT can help someone build a life worth living. Elaborate on this by explaining reasons and/or providing examples that support this statement being true...

-DBT helps one identify and learn how to transform behaviors that are making life feel challenging or unbearable

-DBT helps one explore and define life-worth-living goals, which aides in providing a sense of purpose and motivation

-DBT teaches skills to help people learn how to tolerate distress, regulate difficult emotions, communicate effectively and build healthy relationships, increase awareness, and attend to/focus on the present moment more effectively

Reasonable Mind is...







What does it mean to participate?

-Being in 'the zone' 

-Being one with an experience  

-Fully and completely being a part of what we are doing


What does it mean to be effective?

-Doing what works in the situation, not always what you want to  

-Doing what will make things better, emotions aside

-Acting skillful

-Keeping the eye on the prize

True or False: Mindfulness is getting rid of your thoughts and feelings

-Explain and elaborate on your answer


Mindfulness involves gaining awareness of your thoughts and feelings, then working to shift your attention and focus back to the present moment