The web platform where all the information about this class can be found.
What is Canvas?
Put this on silent before class.
What is your cellphone?
Feburary 16th By 11:59 P.M.
Or sunday at the end of week 5.
When is First observation due?
The time that Ben is available for questions and help with class matters.
What are office hours (M-H 11:15-1:00) as well as before, after class, and by appointment.
six observations at 30 points each total 150 points, Why?
What is dropping lowest score?
This is the number to call to get a hold of Ben.
This is not required, but you will earn points for it.
What is attendance?
Assigned individually, not the same set date for everyone.
What are Chapter presentations?
The day and time of class.
What is Monday night 5:30-8:15?
This is the category distinction for Observation 5.
What is your choice?
This is what to add along with the subject of the email in the subject line of the email.
What is the class name?
Turning in someone else's work violates this class policy.
What is Plagiarism?
The end of week 8.
When in the midterm due?
As stated in Procedure 303-02, students must attend their classes and participate in a course-specific, academically related activity in online classes during this time or a grade of NS (no-show) will be recorded by their instructor, and they will be withdrawn from the course.
What is the first week of school?
The two documents that are needed to complete an observation.
What is the observation booklet and the observation template?
this is the internet browser that works best with Canvas.
What is Firefox?
If you need accommodations, this is who to contact.
What is Disability resources?
Before class.
When is assigned reading due?
The time when the chapter presentations will be assigned.
What is the 4th week?
If you miss category one observation, you will do category one for this assignment.
What is observation 5 or 6?
This is the required text for the class.
What is Child Development 14th edition by Santrock?
It is this person's responsibility to drop the class.
Who is the student?
this is due during finals week.
What is the Final?
The last day to withdraw and receive a "W"
What is April 24th?
This is the minimum requirement for an observation in a single category.
One observation