There is levels to this!
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Because I ran out of room on the other blocks
Levels of
EMS Training

Is the foundation of an EMS call

What is Patient Assessment

911 and emergency medical dispatchers, First Responders, EMTs (all levels) and ambulances, emergency department, and other hospital units.
What are: components of the EMS system

*** It is not possible to help a patient if you are injured before you reach them, or while you are providing care. Because of this, your first responsibility is to ______ _______. ***

What is Scene Safety

A process of continuous self-review with the purpose of identifying and correcting aspects of the system that require improvement
What is: Quality improvement (QA/QI)

What are the four national levels of EMS training and certification?

1.Emergency Medical Responder

2. Emergency medical Technician (EMT - B)

3. Advanced EMT (AEMT)

4. Paramedic

Person who provides medial oversight for an ems agency.
What is the medical director
Safety of the crew, patient, and bystanders; patient assessment; patient care; lifting and moving; transport; transfer of care; and patient advocacy.
What are: the roles and responsibilities of the EMT

What are some of the specialty designations that hospitals may have? Name 3 types.

What are: Trauma centers, burn centers, pediatric care centers, poison control centers, cardiac centers, and stroke centers

What is the difference between on-line and off-line medical direction?
In on-line medical direction, the on-duty physician gives orders directly to the EMT by telephone or radio. In off-line medical direction, the EMT carries out written standing orders from the Medical Director.

Considered the minimum level of certification for ambulance personnel. This certification requires successful completion of an course and passing grade of practical and written exam. This textbook and the course you are now taking are intended to help you prepare for this certification.

What is an: EMT-Basic (EMT-B)

Consists of: standing orders issued by the Medical Director that allow EMTs to give certain medications or perform certain procedures without speaking to the Medical Director or another physician.
What is: off-line medical direction (protocol)

consists of: lists of steps, such as assessments and interventions, to be taken in different situations.

What is protocols


a document that outlines the skills performed by various EMS providers

What is National EMS Scope of Practice Model


For the patient, care begins with the initial phone call to the ______________ ____________ ____________, or (___).

What is an: Emergency Medical Dispatcher (EMD).

Can generally perform relatively invasive field care, including insertion of endotracheal tubes, initiation of IV lines, administration of a variety of medications, interpretation of electrocardiograms, and cardiac defibrillation. This rank may perform such procedures on a more advanced level.
What is an: EMT-Paramedic (EMT-P)
consists of: orders from the on-duty physician given directly to an EMT in the field by radio or telephone
What is: on-line medical direction

Oversight by the medical director to ensure the appropriate medical care standards are met by EMTs on each call.

What is quality control


Federal Legislation passed in 1996. Its main effect in EMS is in limiting the availability of patients' health care information and penalizing violations of patient privacy.

What is the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA)


____  _____ Examines the health needs of entire populations with the goal of preventing health problems.

What is Public Health (pg 19)


This level of training is designed for the person who is often first at the scene.

What is an: Emergency Medical Responder (EMR)


A method of delivering health care that involves providing healthcare within the community rather than at a physician's office or hospital.

What is Mobile Integrated Healthcare (MIH)

a policy or protocol issued by a Medical Director that authorizes EMTs and others to perform particular skills in certain situations
What is: standing orders

Comprehensive legislation that is designed to protect people with disabilities from discrimination

What is Americans with Disabilities (ADA)


______ Is focused on procedures that have proven useful in improving patient outcomes.

What is Evidence Based Medicine (EBM)


The purpose of this level of EMS provider is to deliver an expanded range of skills beyond EMT. In some parts of the US where paramedics are limited, these guys help fill the gap. 

What is an AEMT?