Energy Transfer

Which of these is not a form of energy? 

a. sound

b. light

c. soil

d. heat

c. soil


A hot dog is being roasted over a fire. What evidence shows that heat is being transferred from the fire to the hot dog? 

The hot dog gets hot and turns a darker color


A soccer ball being kicked into a goal is a situation of energy being transferred from place to place? 

True or False? 

True, the soccer ball is stored energy being transferred into motion energy

What forms of energy are being shown in this picture? Remember to use your senses. 

Motion Energy- the buses are moving

Light Energy- the buses headlights are shining

Sound Energy- the buses engines are running and the horns beep

Electrical Energy- the wiring in the buses allows things like the AC and radio to work

Stored Energy- the gasoline in the buses are stored in the gas tank and help it move when the bus is turned on


Why is it warmer in the daytime when the sun is out than at night time when the sun is not out. Why? 

The light from the sun transfers and gives off heat energy


Energy can be transferred from place to place by light, sound, heat, or electric currents.

True or False? 



Energy that comes from a machine or something moving is known as what form of energy? 

Motion Energy


What tool should you use to measure heat energy? 



A lamp uses electrical energy and when it is turned on it transfers to what two types of energy? 

Light Energy & Heat Energy


Which form of energy do all of three of these things have in common: 

A trumpet, a radio, and a crying baby

They all have sound energy


Fill in the blank: 

Heat always moves from a __________ object to a _________ object

warmer object to a cooler object


What evidence shows that heat energy is being transferred from a gas stove to a pot of water?

The water in the pot is boiling or bubbling


Thermal Energy devices can detect what? 

Energy being transferred from one place to another place