Customs that are developed by average people over time
What is folkways
The theory that at least some ethical values, rules, and standards are universal
What is ethical universalism
Shared perspectives and practices by different cultures
What is common ground/common values
This concept was created in 1948 by the United Nations General Assembly and inspired almost 100 bills of rights for nascent nations
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights
The concept that humans have a shared set of essential characteristics
What is universal human nature
Humans have a rational nature that is not shaped by their cultural surroundings, but rather is part of their human nature
What is human rationality
The concept that rights are always relative to the context
What is relative rights
A tradition of thought that says matters of knowledge, truth, value, and ethics incorporate universal standards
What is universalism
The view of a cultural relativist that asserts that the ethics started with each society's unique history
What is the origin of ethics
The category of people who hold the view that not everything in ethics is relative because some aspects of ethics are universal
Who are ethical universalists
The concept that some values and principles are independent of whether or not someone believes in them
What is objective universal values and principles
Good rules of thought, that is, rules that humans should follow
What are good ethical rules
The concept that humans have shared, universal capacity for thinking and reasoning
What is universal reason/rationality
The theory that different cultures have different practices, standards, and values
What is cultural relativism
Reliable results from following good ethical rules
What is happiness, success, and flourishing
Differences among cultures
What is cultural diversity
There are counterparts of universal objectives, values, and standards in every culture (p.15)
What a universalist would say