Who wrote Genesis?
It is unknown, probably Moses.
What was created on Day 1?
Who was the first name & woman?
Adam & Eve
Why did God have Noah build the ark?
He wanted to destroy all the wickedness/evil of the world.
The people of earth were full of pride, what did they build?
A tower...the Tower of Babble
Where in the Bible is Genesis?
Old Testament; 1st Book of the Bible
What was created on day 3?
The dry land appeared; covered dry land with vegetation, grass, trees, bushes...
What was the first man to do?
Name all the animals, take care of the earth. Have a family.
Noah, his wife, 3 sons & their wives. (1+1+3+3=8)
Why was the tower named "Tower of Babble"?
Because the Lord confused their languages.
Where was Genesis written (what country/town/city)?
It is unknown.
What did God create on day 5?
Fish for the sea and birds for the air.
What were the names of the first two brothers?
Cain & Able
How long did the rain fall?
40 days & 40 nights
Why did they stop building the tower?
People spoke different languages
What does the word "Genesis" mean?
What did God create on day 6?
All land animals, insects, and man.
Who committed the first murder in the Bible?
Cain, he murdered his brother Able
.How long were they on the ark AFTER the rain stopped?
about 157 days
What happened after everyone spoke different languages?
They started spreading all over the earth, people speaking the same languages staying together.
Genesis is one of the first 5 books of the Bible, What are the 1st 5 books of the Bible called?
Pentateuch or Books of Law
What did God do on Day 7 and what was it called later on in the Bible?
He rested, Called the Sabbath Day, a day of rest; no work; a Holy Day.
Who was the 3rd child of Adam & Eve?
What did Noah do when he got off the ark?
Built an alter & made a sacrifice to God.
Who blessed you with talents & what should you do?
God did and we should thank him.