5 Themes
5 Themes Examples

The study of the physical and human features of the earth



When Christopher Columbus first arrived in the Caribbean islands, he thought he had reached which country?



Explain why maps today look different from maps in the past.

Our knowledge of the world has increased over time through the help of people who have explored and recorded their findings.


The theme of geography that describes how and why people, things, and ideas move around



Ideas can travel to the other side of the world in less than one second with the push of a smartphone button.  Which theme of geography best explains this?



The study of the human features of the earth

human geography


This explorer was the first to sail around the tip of Africa and prove that the Atlantic and Indian oceans actually met.

Bartolomeu Dias


Which theory uses the order and structure in the world to prove that the earth was created?

intelligent design


The theme of geography that studies the relationship between people and their environment; how people adapt to and modify the environment, and how the environment affects people

Human-environment interaction


Long droughts cause problems for farmers and can lead to food shortages.  Which theme of geography matches this idea the best?

human-environment interaction


The study of the natural features of the earth

physical geography


First explorer to circumnavigate the world (well...almost...)

Ferdinand Magellan


Explain the difference between naturalism and theism.  How does each view explain how the world began?

  1. Naturalism - the universe appeared through accidental, natural processes; no supernatural forces; no meaning to life

  2. Theism - A supernatural being personally and purposefully created the universe; some reason for life


What does the theme of 'place' help us understand when we study geography?

It describes the physical and human characteristics that make somewhere unique.


Kyiv is an old city with beautiful architecture and a large river flowing through the middle.



Explain the difference between physical geography and human geography.

Physical geography is the study of the natural features of the earth

Human geography is the study of the human features of the earth


A famous explorer of Australia, who was the first to sail all the way around Australia and publish his findings to help improve maps at the time.

Matthew Flinders


List at least three essential things we learn from the biblical account of creation:

  1. God comes first

  2. God speaks and brings the universe into existence by words

  3. God made everything

  4. There is one God who is good, He made everything good

  5. We are accountable to God

  6. Complexity of God.. “let us”

  7. Humans are made in God’s image

  8. God gave us stewardship over creation

  9. Ordering and structure in creation

  10. Eschatology - future new creation

  11. God’s rest leading to Sabbath

  12. God’s creation shows His greatness


Explain the difference between absolute location and relative location, and give examples of each.

Absolute location is the exact location of a place on earth, usually given in coordinates.

Example: Kyiv is located at 50 degrees N, 30 degrees E, or New Generation is located at Kharkivske shosse, 13a

Relative location is the location of a place in relation to other place.

Example: Ukraine is east of Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, Romania, and Moldova


Slavic languages are spoken in many countries in central, southern, and eastern Europe.  Which theme of geography does this best match?
