What type of map shows physical boundaries?
What is a Political Map?
What is an accurate representation of the Earth in a 3D model?
What is a Globe?
How many Map Projections are there?
What is 3?
What explains the subject of the map?
What is a map title?
What are lines that run North and South but measure East and West?
What is Longitude?
What map shows information based on population, climate, crime,etc?
What is a Thematic Map?
What is a 2D representation of an area land or sea that shows different features?
What is a Map?
What map is shaped like a cone?
What is a Conical Projection?
What explains symbols and labels on a map?
What is a legend/key?
What lines run East and west but measure North and South?
What are lines of latitude?
What Thematic map shows different colors, lines , dots, shapes,etc?
What is a Qualitative Thematic Map?
What is an accurate worldwide navigational and survey facility that gets signals from satellites?
What is a GPS?
What map is used to map the polar regions?
What is a Planar Projection?
What is an imaginary horizontal line at 0 degrees that measures North and South, but runs East and West?
What is an Equator?
When you go____ or _____ the degrees is negative.
What type of Thematic map shows different distorted sizes?
What is a Thematic Cartogram Map?
What is a tool that indicates direction?
What is a Compass?
What map is a projection onto a cylinder that shows the entire earth on a map?
What is a Compromise Projection?
What is an imaginary line at 0 degrees that runs North and South, but measures East and West?
What is a Prime Meridian?
When you go_____ or_____ the degrees is positive.
What is North and East?
What Thematic map illustrates movement in people, goods, language, religion, animals,etc?
What is a technology that has many different layers combined to make one map?
What is GIS?
What are the three types of Compromise Projection Maps?
What is a Robinson Compromise Projection Map, Mercator Compromise Projection Map, and Homolosine Compromise Projection Map?
What are words that explain physical features on a map?
What is a label?
What are the two tropics called that are North 30 degrees form the equator and South 30 degrees from the equator?
What is the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn?