Who was 'king of the gods?'
She was the god of love and beauty, but she was not a great wife!
What happened to Icarus after he flew too close to the sun?
His wings burned off and he fell to his death.
This god is associated with things like gems, and wealth. He is the king of the underworld.
This Goddess often carried a torch because she was always looking for her kidnapped daughter Persephone.
Who made Zeus' thunderbolt?
This strong guy completed 12 labours.
This Goddess of wisdom and war is often portrayed as an owl.
What were Aphrodite, Hera and Athena arguing about? They argued so much that it started a war!
Who was the prettiest
He was the god of earthquakes and creator of horses. You probably do not want to head out to the ocean when he is angry!
What do the sun, medicine, prophecy, archery, dance, truth, music, kids, and shepherds have in common?
These two siblings are TWINS! One of them is linked to the moon, the protection of kids, nature and hunting. What are their names?
Artemis and Apollo
She was one of the Gorgon sisters. She was killed, and her head was used as Athena's shield.
Who stole a belt from the Amazon queen?