This is a type of tort that involves a threat or attempt to injure
What year was HIPAA enacted?
This bill outlines patients' rights and was implemented by the Department of Health and Human Services in 1998
Consumer Bill of Rights and Responsibilities
What does DNR stand for?
Do Not Resuscitate
A set of moral principles or standards that guide behavior
A wrongful act that does not involve a contract. (A civil wrong)
HIPAA stands for...
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Most national healthcare organizations have established written guidelines of acceptable behavior called...
Code of Ethics
When discussing the advance directive contract, the principal designates a person to act on their behalf called a ...
defamation that involves saying false and damaging statements
This is commonly called "professional negligence". Professional misconduct, negligence, or failure to meet the appropriate standard of care
Privacy Rule
This is the ethical and legal obligation to protect and keep private any personal, sensitive, or proprietary information.
When discussing the contract, the person creating the advance directive is called the...
Failure to act with the care to avoid causing harm or injury to others that a reasonable person would exercise in a similar situation is called...
What are the two main types of laws that affect healthcare workers?
Criminal Law and Civil Law
This is the federal agency that oversees HIPAA
Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS)
This policy protects the rights of residents in long-term care facilities (nursing homes)
Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act (OBRA) of 1987
What are the 2 parts of an Advance Directive?
Living Will & Durable Power of Attorney
Permission granted voluntarily by a person who is of sound mind and aware of all factors involved.
Informed consent
Types of this include physical, verbal, psychological, and sexual
This part of HIPAA requires covered entities to notify
affected individuals that their information was shared.
Breach Notification Rule
This law states you can be covered under your parents' health insurance until you are 26.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)
This federal law affirms no one will be discriminated against or their care affected because they have an advance directive.
Patient Self-Determination Act (PSDA)
Electronic Health Record