Skills & Competencies
HR in Healthcare
Motivating Employees
Skills involved with the ability to critically analyze and solve complex problems
What are conceptual skills?
Intrapersonal and interpersonal components of this are important in demonstrating professionalism.
What is emotional intelligence?
Recruiting, retaining and development.
What are the key functions of human resource?
Identifying specific characteristics which were associated with increased productivity.
What is Scientific Management?
This motivational theory states that human needs progress from the lowest subsistence level to self actualization.
What is Maslow's Theory of Hierarchy?
Skills that reflect expertise and ability to perform a specific task.
What are technical skills?
While building professionalism, you can serve as a mentor, agree to take on a student or intern, serve on a committee or write for your professional newsletters.
What are ways you can contribute to your community or professional organization?
Administrative, clinical and support are examples of these.
What are the key types of healthcare staff?
With this type of leadership, the individual alters their leadership approach based on the circumstances.
What is situational leadership?
This type of motivational theory postulates that individuals progress based on their need for existence, relatedness and growth?
What is Alderfer's ERG Theory of Motivation?
Skills that reflect the ability to communicate and work well with others.
What are interpersonal skills?
Altruism, integrity, honor, accountability, service, and respect for others.
What are examples of central values of professionalism?
This legislation allowed a new parent to take time off after the birth of their infant and still be able to return to their job.
What is the Family Medical Leave Act of 1993?
This leadership approach focuses on efficiency and quality improvement in healthcare organizations.
What is Total Quality Management?
This theory of motivation is base on two key factors: hygiene and motivation.
What is Herzberg's 2 Factory Theory of motivation?
Consortium of six organizations which defined the key healthcare competencies.
What is the Healthcare Leadership Alliance
You do this through your posture, clothing, personal hygiene, level of eye contact and interactive style.
What are ways in which you can convey professional demeanor?
Staff planning, conducting job analysis and hiring employees are key elements of this function.
What are the key components of recruiting staff?
This type of leadership focuses on the idea that individuals will want to follow someone who follows their internal compass and is true to himself.
What is authentic leadership?
This theory is based on people's basic desire to be treated fairly.
What is Adam's Equity Theory?
Leadership, communication, knowledge of healthcare, business skills, and professionalism
What are the 5 key healthcare competencies?
Linguistic, mathematic, musical, interpersonal, intrapersonal, spatial...
What are examples of the multiple intelligences in Garder's Model of Multiple Intelligence?
Introduction to employees, review of job policies, dress code, job expectations and work related rules.
What are some key components of the Orientation process?
This type of leadership focuses on what is right, rather than wrong with an organizations.
What is appreciative leadership?
This theory of motivation emphasizes the importance of positive and negative reinforcement in order to elicit specific behaviors.
What is Skinner's Reinforcement Theory?