History of Ancient Beliefs
Early Science
Biblical Truths
Parts of a Cell 1
Parts of a Cell 2

These people believed that to get to heaven the body was needed to be preserved after death.

What is the Egyptians


This is the person considered the discoverer of the microscope to observe organisms not seen with the naked eye.

Who is Anton van Leeuwenhoek

Psalm 139:13-14

What is "For you formed my inward parts...


The part of the cell that the parts of the cell are suspended in and what is the protective lining limiting what goes in and out of the cell

What is cytosol and what is the cell membrane


The organelles that transports important nutrients into cells that need it, as well as toxic waste away from the cells.  Each cell has more of these than Golgi (grocery stores).

Endoplasmic Reticulum (Rough and Smooth)


God gave these people the word on how to treat germs (microscopic organisms that cause illness/disease).

What is Ancient Hebrews


This scientist came along in the 16th C as an early anatomist, dissected the expired human body and wrote texts for future scientists

Who is Andreas Vesalius


Luke 10:34

What is "He went to him and bound up his wounds..."


The smaller members of each cell are called

What is organelles


These organelles help important cells that have been damaged, reproduce (like your mom helps clean your cuts and cover it for healing).

What are centrioles


The term for an educated guess that is used to begin the scientific method and the name of the culture who observed life in this way.

What is Hypothesis and the Ancient Greeks

Made the 1st compound microscope. He observed a piece of cork and named the rectangular blocks, "cells."
Who is Robert Hooke

Jeremiah 1:5

What is "Before I formed you..."


These organelles destroy and eliminate invaders like bacteria (the police force of the cell). They also break down important nutrients (protein and carbs) for healthy cellular function

What are lysosomes


The name of the cells that take copies of genetic info (the RNA makes) out of the nucleus and reads the copy then makes more proteins for the cell's needs

What are Ribosomes


The famous philosophers who 1st coined the terms of humors (black bile, yellow bile, phlegm, blood) and 2nd who defined spontaneous generation

Who is Hippocrates and who Aristotle


This early physician dissected monkeys and drew his observations.  It was against the law in Rome to dissect humans so this was not a practice

Who is Galen (approx 260 AD)


Proverbs 13:3

What is "Whoever guards his mouth preserves his life..."


These important organelles store, package and deliver proteins and fats for the cell's needs

What is the Golgi body


The contents of the nucleus

What is DNA and RNA (amino acid building blocks)


200 years after Jesus, this Ancient Roman understood that wine (fermented grapes that turn into alcohol) soaked rags were necessary for disinfecting an open wound.

Who is Galan


How many times was the first microscope lens able to magnify?

What is 200X


Job 31:15

What is "Did not he who made me in the womb..."


Considered the energy currency of the cell. It makes glucose a type of sugar that produces fast but low lasting energy

What is Mitochondria


The four main tissue types are

Nerve, muscular, connective and epithelial tissue