International Trade
International Monetary Relations
International Law and Human Rights
The ability of a country or firm to produce a particular good or service more effectively than other goods or services, such that its resources are most efficiently employed in this activity.
What is Comparative Advantage

This IR theory concerns itself with concepts such as mutual constitution, norms, and social interaction.

What is Constructivism

The price at which one currency is exchanged for another.
What is Exchange Rate.
The rights possessed by all individuals by virtue of being human, regardless of their status as citizens of particular states or members of a group or organization.
What are Human Rights.

________ is where one nation increases their own national security and it diminishes that of its neighbor. This puts pressure on the neighbor to increase its own security in the fright of being attacked, out manned or losing its status in the international system etc.

What is the Security Dilemma

Any government limitation on the international exchange of goods. Examples include tariffs, quantitative restrictions, import licenses, requirements that governments only buy domestically produced goods, and health and safety standards that discriminate against foreign goods.
What are trade barriers.

These two contemporary IR theories share the assumption that states are unitary, rational actors.

What are realism and liberalism

An exchange rate policy under which a government permits its currency to be traded on the open market without direct government control or intervention.
What is a Floating Exchange Rate.
Adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1948, this declaration defines a "common standard of achievement for all people" and forms the foundation of modern human rights law.
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR).
Obstacles to cooperation that occur when actors have incentives to collaborate but each acts in anticipation that others will pay the costs of cooperation.
What are Collective Action Problems.
An institution created in 1995 to succeed the GATT and to govern international trade relations. This institution encourages and polices the multilateral reduction of barriers to trade, and it oversees the resolution of trade disputes.
What is the World Trade Organization (WTO).

This variant of realism argues that the best strategy states should follow to achieve security is pursuing hegemony.

What is a offensive realism

The monetary system in which countries tied their currencies to gold at a legally fixed price.
What is the Gold Standard.
A body of rules that binds states and other agents in world politics and is considered to have the status of law.
What is International Law.

What is the Democratic Peace Theory?

Kant- The republic, the pacific union, cosmopolitan law. Democracies don't go to war with other democracies.

The theory that a country will export goods that make extensive use of the factors of production in which it is well endowed. Thus, a labor-rich country will export goods that make intensive use of labor.
What is the Heckscher-Ohlin Trade Theory.

According to Liberalism, these three elements foster peace and cooperation.

What are economic interdependence, international organizations, and shared democracy

The institution that regulates monetary conditions in an economy, typically by affecting interest rates and the quantity of money in circulation.
What is the Central Bank.
A set of individuals and nongovernmental organizations acting in pursuit of a normative objective.
What is a Transnational Advocacy Network.

_____ is attacking a nation before they have the chance to develop the capabilities to become a threat, when the time is right. 

What is Preemptive War

The theory that protection benefits the scarce factor of production. This view flows from the Hecksher-Ohlin approach: if a country imports goods that make intesive use of its scarce factor, then limiting imports will help that factor.
What is the Stopler-Samuelson Theorem.

This theoretical paradigm focuses on explaining or understanding change at the international level.

What is Constructivism

An important tool of national governments to influence broad macroeconommic conditions such as unemployment, inflation, and economic growth. Typically these are achieved through changing national interest rates or exchange rates.
What is Monetary Policy.

Signed in 1648, it brought a new age of sovereignty.

What is the Treaty of Westphalia


The use of organized political violence by nonstate actors against noncombatants in order to cause fear as a means to achieve a political or religious objective.

What is terrorism