Financial Literacy
Health & Wellness
One way that you can help maintain cleaniness in your home would be to 



-clean bathroom/kitchen/bedroom 


Budget means 

a statement of estimated income & expenses over a specified future period of time; financial plan

Follow up Question: What are some things you can budget for?


Name three different types of transportation 

-public transportation (train, bus) 





Some career/education opportunities include:

-getting a job 

-going to a 2 year school

-going to a 4 year school

-going to a trade school 

-online school

-part time work and school


Hygiene means 

conditions or practices conductive to maintaining health and preventing disease through cleaniness

Name two bills for residence that one would have to pay for 



-utilities (gas, electric, heating, A/C)


If you were in financial trouble where would you go to for assistance?

Why is it important to have car insurance?

-in case you get in an accident, and it is your fault and in case you get in an accident and it is not your fault 

(New Jersey is a no-fault state)


What are two types of financial aid?





Name 3 types of personal hygiene 

-wash body & hair

-use soap/shampoo 

-wash hands before and after preparing food and eating 

-brush teeth 

-wear clean clothing 

-cover mouth when coughing or sleezing 


Mortgage means 

An agreement between you and a lender that allows you to borrow money to purchase or reinfinance a home


Name three forms of payment that you can use to purchase something 


-credit card 

-debit card 


To lease a car means to 

"rent" a car from a dealership for a certain length of time and amount of miles 


What are some of the things you should include on a resume?

education level, extra-curricular activities, awards/accomplishments, previous job experience 


Self Care is 

the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's own health


Would you rather pay a mortgage and own a propety or pay rent to a landlord? What are some of the advantages and disadvanges of each?

Rent: do not need to have a downpayment, could be more cost effective in short term, landlord can handle issues that arrive in home such as expenses. however, not building equity, do not own the property 

Mortgage: can be seen as a form of capitial and can leverage when trying to get another loan (i.e. student loans) However need a down payment, long term, difficult to finance, need to get approved for a loan (can have high interest rates) long term less money have to pay for expenses 


Why is money considered a high value in society? 

Follow up question: do you agree with money being a high value


Why is transportation an imporant part of daily life?


What kind of benefits do you think about when choosing a career?

-distance from home 


-health benefits 


-interested in the job 


Name two ways you can utilize self care





Home equity means 

the value of a home and its market value


The differences between gross pay and net pay are 

gross pay- sum of all wages, profits, interest payments, rents etc. all before taxes are taken out

net pay- the amount of money someone takes home after employment benefits are taken out (ex: taxes, benefit costs)

If I drive without a driver's license and I am underage. What am I risking?

my life & others on the road 

1st time caught $500 fine 

2nd time caught $750 fine and face jail time


How does your behavior now impact your future career?

-grades impact getting into college 

-work ethic 

-criminal record


Name 3 ways to improve your health 


-eating healthy