Upfront BCC/Nursing
Good Stuff to Know
The BCC Vision statement.
What is "Bristol Community College changes the world by changing lives, learner by learner.
Provider of Care Manager of Care Member within the discipline of nursing
What are the role competencies for the practice role of the ADN?
77% or above (C+)
What is the passing grade for all nursing program courses?
There are no extra credit assignments. Grades only consist of assessments and clinical course outcome.
What is the policy for extra credit assignments?
Professor Alves
Who is the Department of Nursing Program Director?
Black pen, scissors, watch with a sweep second hand, small writing pad for notes, protective eye wear, stethoscope, BP cuff, gait belt and pen light must be brought each time.
What is to be brought to each clinical and laboratory experience?
Extended time will not be allowed to complete the assessment.
What is the policy for tardiness when taking an assessment?
Bristol Community College no smoking policy extends to clinical and laboratory hours.
What is the smoking policy for clinical and laboratory settings?
Engaging in side conversations, interrupting another student or faculty member, inappropriate language (profanity,slang), using a cellphone, engaging in physical or verbal abuse or threatening violence.
What are examples of disruptive (uncivil) behaviors?
Address as either Professor or Doctor......
What is the correct way to address faculty?
Program Requirements.
What is the most common reason for a clinical warning?
A make up assessment will only be scheduled for compelling reasons. Request for make up assessments must be made within 8 hours of missing the assessment and will be scheduled at the faculty discretion.
What is the policy for being absent from an assessment?
Students are expected to arrive at least five (5) minutes before the assigned clinical time unless otherwise specified.
What time do I need to report for clinical assignments?
Students may not record, photograph, or reproduce intellectual property without permission from the individual faculty member.
What is the policy for recording, photographing or reproducing intellectual property?
Graduates fulfill the role competencies of an associate degree nurse and the educational objectives of the program.
What is a graduate outcome goal of the BCC nursing program?
Worn over street clothes when visiting the clinical agency for clinical assignments or other designated times.
When is it appropriate to wear the full-length white laboratory coat?
Students will be allowed to make up one assessment per year without penalty. All further assessments that year will receive a grade no higher than 77% despite the actual grade received.
What is the policy for repeated missed assessments?
Students that at not prepared for clinical or laboratory will be dismissed for the day, and given a clinical warning.
What is the policy if a student goes to the clinical or laboratory setting unprepared?
Each assessment may be reviewed only with the student's advisor until the next assessment is administered. The final assessment may be reviewed during regular school hours, up to 48 hours after the final assessment grades are posted.
What is the policy for assessment reviews?
Dean Lynne Brodeur
Who is the Dean of Allied Health Sciences?
Only a metal wedding band, watch and one pair of small stud earrings.
What type of jewelry may be worn to clinical/laboratory settings?
The Program Director must be notified prior to the start time of any assessment for this reason.
What is the policy for notifying the school of the need to miss an assessment?
The Code of Ethics
What is the American Nurses Association guidelines for practice?
The student is responsible for withdrawing themselves from a course if they stop attending any or all classes. Withdrawals are accepted until the 10th week of classes.
Who is responsible for withdrawing a student from the course?