Study of existence/what exists.
What is metaphysics?
All that exists are atoms and the void.
What is materialism?
Homeric explanations of natural phenomena.
What is divine intervention?
What is anthropomorphic?
What is supernatural?
What is the prime mover?
A soul is what helps an organism nourish itself
If a soul can’t actualize something (ex: our body) then it is no longer <- soul is tied to body (can’t separate)
What is Aristotle & the soul?
Study of knowledge.
What is epistemology?
Viewpoint that our judgment whether an action is right/wrong is to be based on the consequences that would come of it.
What is consequentialism?
Went around recruiting people, even outside of their families
Charged money for said education
*normally had to learn trades via apprenticeship with extended family free of charge, so this was unheard of*
Who are sophists?
Aristotle's 4 causes.
Material cause (composition)
Formal cause (essence/what it is)
Efficient cause (initiator of the process of change that created that thing [sometimes the creator])
Final cause (end/that for the sake of which) <- purpose (but broad)
Common properties are real, NOT transcendent ; property can’t be without a subject.
What is Aristotle's rejection of forms?
Quotation from someone's work put into another’s work.
Summary of an author’s viewpoint in another’s work.
What is a fragment?
What is a testimony?
To say an argument is valid is to say that if the premises are true then the conclusion is true.
What is validity?
“Learning” is just drawing back out that knowledge (recalling it)
relies on reincarnation (body dies but mind lives on)
Problem: entails its impossible for new discoveries
What is the theory of recollection?
Aristotle argued that _____ is a habit that aims at the mean in feelings and actions; acquired by habituation.
What is moral virtue?
Soul is immortal; didn’t regain knowledge from former lifetime, your soul gained the knowledge between reincarnation; There are two classes of existence: sensibles and forms.
What is Plato & immortality?
The soul and the body are two fundamentally distinct types of substances.
What is substance dualism?
underlie predicate, true of some subjects; separable
true of other things; real because they belong to ultimate subjects of predication; inseparable
What is ultimate subjects of predication?
What is predicates?
1. If one can inquire into anything at all, then either one can inquirer into what one knows, or one can inquire into what one doesn’t know
2. One can not inquire into what one knows
3. One can not inquire into what one doesn’t know
***4. Not possible to have successful inquiry into a subject at all
What is Meno's Paradox?
Believes that rituals provide structure to the mourning period, nurture desires, and are vehicles to communicate respect to people.
Believed that there are 3 types of good:
1. Increase the size of population (have kids, support, health, etc.)
2. Increase total amount of wealth
3. Promote social order
Who is Xunzi?
Who is Mozi?
1. Realism- common properties are real; universals
2. Forms explain common properties
What is the theory of forms?
Strategy to identifying underlying material, which explains change (Thales, Anaximander, Anaximenes).
What is material monism?
You need to know what a subject is before you can say what it’s properties are.
What is the Principle of Epistemic Priority?
Portrayed Socrates as:
1. impious, sophist, "head in the clouds", pre-trial
2. humble, countered sentence, very pious, not sophist, during trial
3. arrogant, accepted punishment of death, "expert", believed in gods, during trial
Who is Aristophanes?
Who is Plato?
Who is Xenophon?
Believed that everyone wants to do good and has different views of what’s good vs. bad (not possible to do something you know is wrong).
Believed that we have to do things in a virtuous manner and have to act in character or have a habit of it (not enough to just know what’s right).
Who is Plato?
Who is Aristotle?
____ -> potentiality (anything with matter must be contingent)
____ -> actuality (took potential thing and made it reality)
Doesn’t have explanation -> has to have a 1st motion of explanation/change (needs explanation)
1st motion-> ____: the actualization of a potentiality
Has to be contingent (needs explanation)
What is material?
What is formal?
What is change?