In order for glass to be a lens it needs to have at least one of these.
What is curved surface.
The brand of our camera.
What is Canon?
The highest focal length that our lenses can get to.
What is 55mm?
In order to lock in the focus on my camera I must do this.
What is hold the shutter release button halfway down?
The word "photography" literally means this.
What is light drawing?
This lens is good for sports and nature photography.
What is Telephoto?
In order to change the settings on my screen I need to press this button.
What is Q button?
This is the distance between the lens and the sensor/film. Affects zoom.
What is Focal length?
I know my camera is in focus when I hear this.
What is a beep?
"Camera Obscura" translates to this.
What is dark box/room/chamber?
This lens can capture interior shots in a panoramic view but with distortion on the edges.
What is fisheye lens?
The manual modes are identifiable because they are all symbolized by these.
What are letters?
Lenses with a small focal length.
What is wide angle lens?
To switch from auto to manual focus, I need to switch the button on this.
What is the lens?
The word that means how light is bent through water or a prism.
What is refraction?
This lens has adjustable focal lengths.
What is a zoom lens?
The camera mode we have been using is marked by this letter.
What is P?
A lens with large focal length.
What is narrow angle (telephoto) lens.
To focus in manual focus I turn this.
What is the focus ring?
The amount of light used to create a photograph.
What is exposure?
This type of lens has a fixed focal length and is very high quality.
What is a prime lens?
This the shooting mode we have been using.
What is ONE SHOT?
This type of zoom will cause no loss in resolution.
What is Optical?
To get something in focus that is not in center of my frame.
What is focus and reframe?
A lens that is thicker in the middle and gathers light together.
What is a convex lens?