Sensation & Perception

Difference between Independent variable vs Dependent variable 

What is variable that is manipulated by the experimenter(IV) vs the variable (DV) that is measured and studied, also the variable that is caused by the independent variable? 


Genotype is ____

Phenotype is____

What is a)underlying genetic plans

b)observable characteristics that come from a genotype


Phonemic Restoration is______

A perceptual illusion that the listener hears a speech sound that is not actually present


The function of the cerebellum is____

What is coordinated Movements & Posture


The three levels of Freud's awareness are

Subconscious, preconscious, and conscious
Sample vs population difference. Give examples for both. 

What is:

Sample: a subset of the defined group being studied. 

Population: All members of the defined group which the studies want to generalize to.


EEA is_____

The environment of Evolutionary Adaptations

The environment which we are evolved in over the last thousands of years, not a specific time or place.


True or False? both fMRI and EEG measure oxygenated blood flow in the brain.

What is False. only fMRI and PET scan measure oxygenated blood flow in the brain


The four lobes of the cerebrum are_____


What are:

Frontal, occipital, temporal and parietal lobe


Consciousness is hard to study because____

we can only use quantifiable measures to study consciousness, but the subjective side of consciousness is too rich and complicated and cannot be measured quantitatively


Observer bias and solution. 

Subject bias and solution. 

what is 

observer bias: when the experimenter's prior knowledge causes them to subconsciously influence the participants of the experiments. (Solution: double-blind experiment)

Subject bias: Participants behave in ways they think you want them to behave (eg. Placebo effect)

Solution:Anonymity/Measure Involuntary or Nonobvious behavior/ Blind Subjects to Hypothesis


Error management theory is about____

What is:

that facing uncertain situations, we prefer choices that potentially come with minimal costs of errors? 


The what pathway goes towards the ____lobe

The where pathway goes to the ____ lobe

1. temporal 

2. parietal


True or False? both fMRI and EEG measure oxygenated blood flow in the brain.

False.  only fMRI and PET scan measure oxygenated blood flow in the brain


Define Freud's Id, Ego, and Superego. 

Three unique psychological forces that are in constant battle with each other. 

Id: in charge of all the desires, repressed memories, primitive instincts, wants immediate satisfaction

Superego: our morals, constant battle with the Id. 

Ego: logic, reasoning, a middle ground, attempting to use logic compromise wishes from both ends of the extremes.


Define construct validity

What is:

  • Are you measuring what you claim to be measuring

    • Is your depression inventory actually testing for depression, or is it testing for anxiety? Testing for Depression→ GOOD construct validity


The four fallacies of evolutionary theories are ____

TAKE NOTES on this. 

Naturalistic fallacy: Things are right because they are natural! 

Example: It is wrong to say that because people are by natural genetically different, we ought to treat everyone differently.

Deterministic fallacy: things are inevitable because they are natural

Example: not true because humans can chooses to disobey their genes. We build airplanes so we can fly. Build cars so we can move faster. 

Nature/nurture as a false dichotomy: 

Your identity characteristics are due to either 100% nature or 100% nurture. 

The answer is actually both! In fact, nearly all human diseases and physiological traits involve genetic and environmental influences to some extent. “

Teleology: things tend to get better after evolved. 

eg. Are we better than cockroaches? They prob will survive a zombie apocalypse better than we will. We evolve to use tools and now computers, but have we become smarter?


Top-down processing is_____

Bottom-up processing is ____

1) Using knowledge, expectations to interpret sensory information

2) Taking the sensory information and then assembling it and integrating it.

The structures that make up the brainstem are ____

The function of the brainstem is ____

What are:

1) Medulla, Pons, Midbrain, Thalamus & Hypothalamus

2)Breathing, Heart Rate, Digestion, Sleep-Wake Cycles,


The cocktail party effect is ____

Cocktail party effect is one of the evidence to unconscious processing. It talks about how at a party, we usually filter out other people’s conversations until our name is mentioned. If unconsciousness is not a thing, then how could we notice our name all of a sudden?

A fancy way of saying "To quantify a thing you want to measure: like depression." Having the patient to self report their depression rating scale is a way of making____?

What is the operational definition? 

4 processes of Natural selections are____

1. variation of genes

2. struggle: environment has limited resources, competition 

3. differential survival and reproduction: the fittest survive

4. offspring inheritance: genes passed on the offspring will accumulate


1) Blindsight is caused by:

2) Its implication is____

1) Lesions in the V1 cortex of the brain

2) This gives an important distinction between sensation and perception in the way that perception is all about conscious experience. Lesion in V1 affects the patient’s ability to perceive the object but it does NOT affect sensation, the brain importing sensory information into the brain.


What is the implication of Split Brain? 

1) Cerebral Dominance:

Right Hemisphere→ Music, Visual Imagery, Face Recognition, Spatial Abilities

Left Hemisphere→ Language, Math, Logic

2)motor control: we know that right hemisphere controls the left side of your body and vice versa.