Test 1
Test 2
Test 3
Test 4
Psych Disorders

The variable that the researcher controls or changes (manipulates)

What is an independent variable?


The conversion of energy from the environment into a pattern of responses by the nervous system. The registration of information at the senses.

What is sensation?


Reliably elicits a specific automatic, involuntary, and innate response

What is an unconditioned stimulus?


Connected with the immediate gratification of primitive needs. We derive psychosexual energy from our Libido

What is Id?


Literature that organizes psychological disorders into five dimensions (known as axes) that are concerned with different aspects of the disorder.



Type of psychology that studies overt (observable) and covert (not directly observable) behavior and factors that influence behavior. Oldest research area in psychology.

What is experimental psychology?


Focuses the light onto our visual receptors.

What is the cornea and lens?


Involves the modification of, emitted or voluntary responses, through rewards, punishments, and their consequences

What is operant conditioning?


Freud says that the first stage of psychosexual development is associated with attention focused on the ______

mouth (oral)


Amnesia would be an example of which type of disorder?

What is dissociative disorders?


Generates energy for the body ( fight or flight): Increased heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration. Sweating. Decreases digestive activity. Prepares the body for vigorous activity.

What is the sympathetic nervous system?


When entering a darkened room quickly after being in a brightened area, it will take about _______ for the rods to adjust completely to the dark.

10-20 mins


Jake realizes that when he helps out around the house, his mother tells him how much she appreciates him and his help. This makes him feel good, and he continues to help out every day. This is an example of what type of conditioning?

What is operant conditioning?


John's girlfriend recently broke up with him and insists that the relationship is over. John cannot believe this and really thinks they will be able to work things out. John is probably using which defense mechanism?

What is denial?


John feels compelled to wash his hands every time he leaves the house and returns from being out, before eating, etc. even if he knows logically he did not pick up any germs. This behavior can likely be described as 

What is a compulsion?


A mental health professional who can prescribe drugs to treat patients with anxiety or depression

What is a psychiatrist?


Weighing the pros and cons of changing your major in college versus staying in the one you're in is most likely to involve which stage of cognitive development (Piaget)?

What is formal operational thinking?


After being repeatedly shot with a Nerf gun immediately after hearing the "easy" button, your roommate flinches just after hearing, 'that was easy'. This is an example of:

What is classical conditioning?


If you do well on an exam, you attribute your success to your personal intelligence. If you do poorly on an exam, you may blame it on the professor disliking you. You are demonstrating the:

What is the self-serving bias?


Becky's boyfriend has begun to get irritated with her when she is constantly rearranging and organizing his shoes in a particular order. What disorder may Becky be experiencing?

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)


A football coach noticed that one of his players was having great difficulty with exercises that require good balance. This player may have damage to which brain area?

What is the cerebellum?


You see a picture of your friend's dog at the park, and there is a tree behind the dog. You see the top part of the tree but not the bottom, but you can imagine the interrupted part of the tree and still perceive the image as a whole tree. This is an example of:

What is good continuation?


Dr. Kontos's mom used to give her Reese's cups for every hour she would spend studying. This is an example of ________. Now, Dr. Kontos takes away her daughter's phone if she finds out she failed an exam. This is an example of _______.

What is positive reinforcement? 

What is negative punishment?


Your classmate from high school is attending a good college, and you assume that he had very good grades to get into that school. But you learn later on that he got a full-ride scholarship to the school to play baseball. You aren't completely sure he's earned the grades to actually attend this school. This is an example of 

What is the discounting principle?


What are the four types of schizophrenia?

Paranoid, disorganized, catatonic, undifferentiated