Fun Facts
Psychological Approaches
Subfields (Careers)
Influential Psychologists
Key Terms

This subject is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. 

What is psychology? 


This approach emphasizes ways in which people receive, store, retrieve & process information.

What is the Cognitive Approach?


“I provide vocational and career guidance OR help someone come to terms with the death of a loved one?”

Who is a Counseling Psychologist? 


This doctor  noticed that some of his patients displayed physical problems that did not have any apparent physical cause.  He found as people began talking about their daily problems or stresses, their physical ailments began to disappear. 

Who is Sigmund Freud? 

This word describes an action that can be observed or measured. 

What is a behavior? 


Year that the first psychological lab for research opened; it is considered the first year of modern psychology.

What is 1879? 


This approach emphasizes learning, especially each person’s experience with rewards & punishments.

What is the Behavioral Approach?


“I’m interested in how biological, psychological, and social factors affect health and illness?”

Who is a Health Psychologist? 


This psychologist investigated positive and negative reinforcement for learned behavior. 

Who is B.F. Skinner? 


This form of research aims to solve practical problems. 

What is applied research? 


William James wrote this modern book of psychology in 1890. 

What is "The Principles of Psychology"?


This approach emphasizes individual potential for growth & stress individual choice & free will.

What is the Humanistic Approach?


“I’m interested in aging, especially in researching and developing ways to help elderly people stay as independent as possible.”  

Who is a Developmental Psychologist?


This psychologist founded functionalism, which emphasizes the purpose of behavior and mental process. 

Who is William James?


Dreams, perceptions, thoughts, and memories are all _______________ activities. 

What are cognitive activities? 


This theory is based the idea that perceptions are more than the sums of their parts. They are instead, wholes that give shape, or meaning the parts.   

What is Gestalt? 


This approach emphasizes internal conflicts, mostly unconscious, causing anxiety.

What is the Psychodynamic Approach?


“I helped a judge decide which parent should have custody of a child.”

Who is a Forensic Psychologist? 


This psychologist published "Psychology as Behavior," launching behaviorism (which focuses on observable and measurable behavior).

Who is John B. Watson? 


Research that is conducted for its own sake (without seeking a solution to a specific problem). 

What is basic research? 


Ivan Pavlov published the first studies in this concept, after receiving a Nobel Prize for his work with salivating dogs. 

What is classical conditioning?


This approach emphasizes the influence culture has on the way we think and act.

What is the Social Cultural Approach?


“I serve as human resources specialists, helping with staffing, training, & employee development in such areas as strategic planning, and coping with organizational change.”

Who is an Industrial Psychologist?


This psychologist founded the first experimental psychology laboratory at the University of Leipzig in 1879.

Who is Wilhelm Wundt?


Socrates suggested we learn about our own behavior by carefully examining our own thoughts and feelings.  Name this method of learning. 

What is introspection?