Gender & Sexuality
Race & Ethnicity
Social Class & Stratification
Social Change
What is a male-dominated society in which cultural beliefs and values give higher prestige and value to men than women.
Socially-constructed category of people labeled and treated as similar because of allegedly common biological traits, such as skin color or texture of hair.
What is race
Amount of yearly income a family requires to meet its basic needs, according to the federal government; was $25, 250 for a family of 4 in 2015
What is poverty line
Coherent system of beliefs, values, and ideas
What is an ideology
The radical proposition from C. Wright Mills that social behavior and action must be explained by the relationships between social environments of individuals (biography) and larger social forces (history)
What is the sociological imagination
What is the advocacy of gender equity on political, social, and economic grounds.
Non-biological traits that create a sense of community derived from the cultural heritage shared by a category of people with common ancestry
What is ethnicity
Income, education attainment, and prestige or status of your job and position in society define your
What is socioeconomic status
How social movements use technology, raise funds, and build momentum to share their movement with others
What is resource mobilization
This family of sociological theory takes a top-down view, accepting inequality as necessary and inevitable to social order. Social institutions are structured to maintain stability. It was the dominant theoretical tradition throughout much of the 20th century. It includes such research as Emile Durkheim’s famous study of suicide
What is structural functionalist theory
Women are paid less than men for comparable work. For white women, it's 77 cents to a dollar. For Black women, it's 69 cents to a dollar. For Latina women it is 57 cents to a dollar.
What is the gender pay gap or wage gap.
Overgeneralized belief that a certain trait, behavior, or attitude characterizes all members of some indentifiable group
What is a stereotype
Movement of people or groups from one class to another
What is social mobility
Collective action that attempts to overthrow an entire social system and replace it with another
What is a revolutionary movement
This family of sociological theory emphasizes power differentials, dominance, and inequality. It views social structure as a source of inequality that benefits some groups at expense of other groups, and does not accept that inequality is inevitable or necessary. Its sociologists include Marx, feminist, and queer theorists.
What is conflict theory
Historically, society has categorized gender as M/F with the assumption that babies born as biologically male will grow up to identify as straight men and babies born as biologically female will grow up to identify as straight women.
What is the gender binary
Laws, customs, and practices that systemically reflect and produce racial and ethnic inequalities in a society, whether or not the individuals maintaining these laws, customs and practices have racist intentions
What is institutional racism
Cultural belief that those who succeed in society are those who work hardest and have the best abilities and that those who suffer don't work hard enough or lack the necessary traits or abilities
What is competitive individualism
Collective action taht seeks to change limited aspects of a society but does not seek to alter or replace major social institutions
What is a reform movement
This family of sociological theory examines the day-to-day micro level interactions to understand how people assign meanings to situations through language, gestures, and symbols. Its sociologists include Erving Goffman.
What is symbolic interactionist theory
When heterosexuality is accepted as a taken-for-granted mode of sexual expression.
What is heteronormativity
Form of racism expressed subtly and indirectly through feelings of discomfort, uneasiness, and fear, which motivate avoidance rather than blatant discrimination
What is quiet racism
Situation in which people in the lower classes come to accept a belief system that harms them; the primary means by which powerful classes in society prevent protest and revolution
What is false consciousness
Collective action designed to prevent or reverse changes sought or accomplished by an earlier social movement
What is a countermovement
This much critiqued theory proposes that those who live in poverty inherit a lack of needed motivation and a different value structure which serves to keep them in poverty; poverty is passed on to children
What is culture of poverty thesis