What is the first book of the Bible?
What is monotheism?
belief in one god
What is the last book of the Bible?
What does righteousness mean?
good, morally right, pure
How many books are in the Bible?
What are the 4 gospels?
Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
What is polytheism?
belief in multiple gods
What does "gospel" literally mean?
good news
What does redemption mean?
What does the number 7 usually symbolize in the Bible?
completeness, fullness, perfection
What are "epistles"?
What does revelation mean?
something revealed by God
What does Torah mean?
The Law
What does ANE stand for?
Ancient Near East
What hints of God as Trinity (Father, Son, the Holy Spirit) do we see in Genesis 1-2?
The Spirit hovering over the waters
"Let us...in our image..."
anything else?
How many books are in the Torah?
Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, Numbers
What does progressive revelation mean?
God reveals more and makes things more clearly over the course of the Bible
What does Nevi'im mean?
the Prophets
What does atone/atonement mean?
to the pay for/pay the price/to provide compensation for something done
How would you respond to someone saying the Bible is anti-science?
answers will vary
What are the three sections of the Hebrew Bible (the Old Testament)?
What is anthropomorphic language?
using the limited confines of human language to make a mysterious, supernatural topic comprehensible to humans
What does Ketuvim mean?
the Writings
What does Biblical inspiration mean?
God using his Holy Spirit to carry/guide the human writers of the Bible
What are the elements of a Biblical covenant?
2 parties
promises, blessings, or curses
representative for a larger group