What is the acronym for Office of the State Fire Marshal?
Revise all lavatories in plans to specifically note the intended use.
Hand Wash Sinks need to be specifically labeled?
Due to a beam clamp installed in a "no-fly" zone the structural beam will need to be replaced.
What is the beam clamp has dimpled the beam beyond the allowed tolerance?
The CBC chapter that codifies the scope requirements of OSHPD 1- 6 building requirements.
What is Chapter 1?
The document issued by HCAi to clarify the application of specific code sections.
What is a Code Application Notice (CAN)?
What is the acronym for the California Building Standards Commission?
Toilets and sinks that are installed +18" to the side wall need to be relocated.
The construction tolerance is built into the code requirement if a range is stated?
The new roof of your hospital project needs to be removed and reinstalled.
What is there were no verifiable inspections performed as the roof was installed?
The method used to confirm if a CBC code section has been adopted by the AHJ.
What is to review Adoption Matrix Table at the beginning of each chapter?
The HCAI published document pertaining to the application of OSHPD Enforceable Codes.
What is CAN 1-0?
What is the acronym for the Authority Having Jurisdiction?
The Nurse Call devices in the Patient restrooms need to be relocated.
What is the Nurse Call devices are too thick and too close to the grab bars?
All the high strength bolts at the hospital's main beam to column connections need to be replaced.
What is there was no material testing performed on these bolts prior to installation?
Occupancy Classification and Use are found in this chapter of the CBC.
What is chapter 3?
The HCAI published document pertaining to OSHPD Jurisdictions of various building types.
What is CAN 2-0?
What is the acronym for the Office of the Statewide Health Planning and Development, the enforcing agency of HCAi?
Provide a secondary exit stair from the buildings unoccupied Penthouse.
What is the Penthouse is large enough to require 2 exits?
The racks holding the 12" dia. hydronic pipes on the roof of the hospital must be replaced.
What is they were not built per the approved details?
Accessibility to Public Buildings, Public Accommodations, etc. are found in this CBC chapter.
What is Chapter 11B?
The HCAI published document pertaining to Amended Construction Documents.
What is CAN 1-7-153(b)?
What is the acronym for the California Department of Health Care Access and Information?
Provide an Area Separation Wall in the center of your hospital design.
What is the travel distance to your secondary exit stairs exceed the code maximum?
The special inspector will not approve the fire assembly that was installed per the plans.
What is there is no UL or EJ for that assembly?
Interior Environment Requirements for OSHPD 1 Hospitals are found in this CBC section.
What is section 1224?
The HCAI published document pertaining to Accessibility in Health Facilities.
What is Can 2-11B?