Bill of Rights Part 1
Bill of Rights Part 2
History Time

This Article of the Constitution establishes the legislative branch of the U.S. government.

What is Article I


What does the First Amendment protect? (5)

What are:

(1) Freedom of religion 

(2) Freedom of speech

(3) Freedom of the press

(4) Freedom of assembly

(5) Freedom to petition 


What are three things the Sixth Amendment guarantees defendants in a criminal trial?

What are: 

(1) A speedy and public trial with an impartial jury.  

(2) Be informed of the crimes the government accuses you of. 

(3) Have a lawyer represent them in court. 


What document governed the U.S. before the Constitution? 

What is the Articles of Confederation? Bonus points if you can tell me one flaw about the document! 

True or False: You can sue someone if you're worried they might harm you. 

What is: False! You don't have standing if you have not suffered an actual injury/harm. The case also isn't ripe! 


This Article outlines the powers and responsibilities of the President and the executive branch.

What is Article II


The Second Amendment protects:

What is:

The right of the people to keep and bear arms?


Does the Seventh Amendment apply to criminal or civil cases? 

What is civil?


What is one way that the Constitution addressed issues in the country?

What is: 

(1) Empowered the federal government & created dual sovereignty

(2) Instituted “checks and balances” & concept of “consent of the governed”

(3) Created a representative democracy


How does a case become "moot"?

What is: 

A case is moot when the issue/dispute no longer exists. 


The judicial branch, including the Supreme Court, is defined by this Article of the Constitution.

What is Article III


What things does the Fourth Amendment protect? (4)

What are:

(1) persons

(2) houses

(3) papers

(4) effects


What three things does the Eighth Amendment prevent the government from doing?

What are: 

(1) Requiring excessive bail 

(2) Imposing excessive fines 

(3) Inflicting cruel and unusual punishment


What is one reason the founders wrote the Constitution?

What is: 

(1) The Founders wanted to avoid tyranny and monarchy.

(2) They wanted to promote individual rights and a government driven by popular sovereignty.

(3) They felt that federalism (power balance & delegation between state and federal governments) and “checks and balances” between branches of government as the best path toward these goals.


Can a court resolve political issues?

What is: no. The political question doctrine prohibits courts from answering purely political questions. 


The legislative branch consists of these two.

What are a Senate and a House of Representatives


What does the Fourth Amendment protect against?

What are: 

unreasonable searches and seizures

Did the founders unanimously want to include a bill of rights?

What is: no! There was a huge debate on this. Bonus points if you can give a reason why. 


What is an example of separation of powers?

What is: 

(1) The legislative branch (Congress) makes the laws. 

(2) The executive branch carries out the laws.

(3) The judicial branch interprets the laws.


What must happen for a case to be "justiciable"?

What is: 

There must be a real, specific dispute between parties. Hypothetical questions aren't enough.  


True or False: Article V gives two ways to amend the Constitution. 

What is True: bonus points if you can name the two ways! 


What are two things the Fifth Amendment protects?

What are: 

(1) The right to a Grand Jury for capital offenses (crimes that the death penalty can punish).

(2) Protection against “double jeopardy,” which means being prosecuted for the same crime twice.

(3) Protection against self-incrimination: the “right to remain silent” or “I plead the Fifth!” 

(4) A right to due/fair process before the government can deprive someone of life, liberty, or property. 

(5) The Takings Clause says that if the government takes your property, they must fairly compensate (pay) you! 


What Amendment reserves rights for the states that are not exclusive to the federal government?

What is the Tenth Amendment?


What do checks and balances mean, and how do they work?

What is:

The Constitution sets up a system of checks and balances—granting each branch of government the power to “check” abuses by the other branches. 

(1) The president can “veto” legislation by Congress. 

(2) Congress confirms or rejects the president’s nominees (to their Cabinet, Supreme Court, etc.)

(3) The Justices of the Supreme Court can overturn unconstitutional laws. 


What is judicial review?

What is: 

Judicial review is the power of courts, especially the Supreme Court, to decide whether laws or actions by the government follow the Constitution.