If an actor moved from AREA 4 to AREA 5 on the diagram of the stage below, s/he would be moving from
Stage Left to Center Stage
The name for the bird’s-eye view of a stage set; also called a floor plan that often includes scenery placement.
Ground Plan
The designation also applies to the wings area and, loosely, can be used to indicate anything in the physical plant that is not stage or house
The type of stage illustrated in the image below:
Arena Stage or Theater-in-the-Round
Clothing, or anything worn by a performer, including masks and jewelry is designed by.... ?
Costume Designer
If an actor moved from AREA 8 to AREA 2 on the diagram of the stage below, s/he would be moving from
Upstage Center to Downstage Center
The below image is an example of what?
A ground plan
What are wings (in terms of the theater)?
The offstage area to the right and left of the set used as entrances but concealing backstage areas.
The type of stage illustrated in the image below is called?
Proscenium Stage
During a performance, this person gives the command to perform cues.
Stage Manager
If an actor moved from AREA 9 to AREA 8 on the diagram of the stage below, s/he would be moving from
Upstage Right to Upstage Center
The area of the stage indicated with the "x" is called what?
To use backing, such as flats, draperies and drops, to hide backstage areas from the view of the audience.
Mask or Masking
The type of stage illustrated in the image below:
Thrust Stage
The person in charge of anything that the actor handles onstage as well as furniture and other items used to enhance the set.
If an actor moved from AREA 1 to AREA 3 on the diagram of the stage below, s/he would be moving from
Downstage Left to Downstage Right
What is a boom?
A vertical pole on which horizontal arms can be mounted, carrying lighting instruments. Often used behind wings for side-lighting, etc. Sometimes known in the as a light tree.
What is a catwalk?
A narrow bridge above the stage providing access to stage scenery or lighting units.
The type of stage represented by the illustration below:
Traverse Stage
What is the responsibility of the stage crew?
The backstage technical crew responsible for running the show.
If an actor moved from AREA 3 to AREA 7 on the diagram of the stage below, s/he would be moving from
Downstage Right to Upstage Left
The part of the theatre in front of the proscenium arch.
Front of House
What is a batten?
A wood or metal pipe from which stage lights, drops and scenery are hung.
This type of theater consists of a simple, somewhat unadorned performance space, usually a large square room with black walls and a flat floor, which can be used flexibly to create a stage
Black Box Theater
A literary and production advisor to the director, designers and cast who researches the culture, period and literary references in a play.