What is Theater
Brief History of Theater
Greek Theater
Uses of Theater
History of Acting and non Western Theater

Theater is important because it illuminates ethics, gender identity, race, ethnicity, class, sexuality, spirituality which are all part of this.

What is the Human Condition.


Audience members could pay to sit on the stage of the theater during this era.

What is English Renaissance, Jacobean, or Shakespearean Era.


Greek Theaters most closely resemble this kind of modern performing space.

What is a thrust theater.


The practice of using theater and drama in non-traditional settings and/or with dis-empowered or excluded communities.

What is Applied Theater?


Globally, the art of theater and acting originate, not through the written artifacts of books and plays, but in this non-written tradition.

What is the oral tradition.


The term used to describe how an audience must put aside doubts about the narrative being presented and choose to believe in the reality of the world that the actors are creating. Without this, theatrical conventions will not work.

What is a willing suspension of disbelief?


This type of theater often had sets resembling a Shinto shrine with a polished wood floor and painted tree with costumes being a focal point of performances.

What is Noh Theater?


This group of performers spoke or sang, often in unison, emphasizing moral themes, commenting on action, or offering a community perspective to the stories being told.

What is the Chorus.


Drama in Education and Drama Therapy are two forms of this kind of Theater.

What is Applied Theater?


Some of the oldest texts used in the theater come from this non-western country.

What is India.


This term is used to describe an unspoken agreement of rules between the audience and the actors.

What is a convention?


Used in the late mediaeval period, this special wheeled platform was drawn from place to place, could be easily set up and put away before moving to a new location. Oftentimes they were quite elaborate and had two levels to them.

What is the Pageant Wagon?


A signature feature of Greek Theater, the actors wore these as a way to embody different characters and the exaggerated emotions required by the plays.

What are Masks?


In this form of theater created by Brazilian theater artist Augusto Boal, the audience participates in a performance to create a dialogue around issues and challenges a community faces.

What is Theatre of the Oppressed?


The oldest form of Japanese Theater, it uses highly stylized movement, masks, and music.

What is Noh Theater.


This is the thing that makes theater unique among the arts; Aristotle defined it as “the imitation of an action that is good and also complete in itself and of some magnitude”.

What is the imitation of human action or mimicry?


Theater in all cultures has its origins in __________.

What is ritual and religion.


The Greeks introduced the innovative convention of plays taking place within this particular amount of time.

What is one day?


This term, coined by Augusto Boal, refers to audience members (or spectators) who come onstage to become players.

What is a “spect-actor”?


Traditions from this non-Western county's theater, particularly opera, had a huge impact on theatrical forms in Japan.

What is China?


This famous British director said that there are only four elements that are truly necessary for theater: An actor, an audience, a space, and an intent to create a fictional world.

Who is Peter Brook.


The Globe Theater was built by this famous and successful playwright in the Elizabethan Era.

Who is Shakespeare?


According to Aristotle what makes tragedy is people trying to be good but making terrible mistakes and the downfall of a tragic hero/heroine was due to their hamartia which is ________________.

What is a fatal flaw?


This form of Applied Theater has been used since the middle ages by these institutions for spreading the word of God.

What are Churches or The Catholic Church.


Culturally theater developed through sacred practices which included masks and dancing.  In a particular country on this continent a storyteller called a griot used story and drumming in the art form.

What is Africa?