People in the Theatre
Places in the Theatre
Other stuff
Grab bag
The person who creates dances and arranges movements for a musical.
Who is the Choreographer?
The place that sells tickets to a performance
What is the Box Office?
The items used in a play to tell the story not including the scenery or costumes, the short forms of "Properties".
What are Props?
A speech given by one actor
What is a monologue?
When an actor is asked to read from a script he is seeing for the first time, or he hasn't rehearsed, usually in an audition situation.
What is a 'Cold Reading'?
A term used to describe all of the people in a theatre who deal with the audience including the people who sell tickets and the ushers, and any other people who deal with the public.
What is the Front of House team?
A type of theatre usually surrounded by black curtains, in which the stage can be versatile.
What is a Black Box?
The bows at the end of a performance
What is Curtain Call?
A piece of fabric which is 'flown in' and hung on stage and usually used in the scenery of a show.
What is a Drop?
The quick shutting off of all the stage lights.
What is a Black Out?
The person who provides the vision of how a show should be presented, who works with the actors on their roles, develops the blocking, and is in charge of the rehearsals
Who is the Director??
The area of the stage that is farthest from the audience.
What is Upstage?
To take the set apart when a show ends, or to remove a set piece from the stage.
What is Strike?
A marking, usually made with a piece of tape, put on or around the stage. This marking is used to show the correct position for set pieces, furniture, actors and other items which move during the course of a performance and are required to stop or be placed in a specific location.
What is a Spike? (or 'to Spike'?)
The term that describes the book or script of a musical or opera.
What is a libretto?
People who help the actors get into and out of their costumes during quickchanges backstage.
What is a Dresser?
Another name for the audience area in a theatre.
What is the House?
A quick remark made by a character in a play which is spoken directly to the audience that is not heard by the other characters on stage.
What is an Aside?
When either a prop, costume or something else used in a production is placed in or around the stage before the start of a performance
What is 'to preset'?
A type of repertory theatre which produces its plays during the summer season.
What is Summer Stock?
The person who runs the show from opening curtain to closing curtain and is in charge of everything on the stage and in the back of the stage.
Who is the Stage Manager? (an incredibly important person!!)
The arch that frames the front of a stage.
What is the Proscenium?
The feelings beneath (or behind) the words a character speaks.
What is subtext?
The term that describes time by which a cast must be memorised and can no longer use their script in rehearsal.
What is to be 'Off-book'?