Jobs in Theatre
Stage Craft Tools
Commonly Read/Performed Plays
Stage Acting Basics

This person portrays a character on stage.

What is an actor?


Used for creating precise cuts and shaping wood, this hand tool features a serrated edge. 

What is a saw?


This Lin-Manuel Miranda musical tells the story of a "forgotten" American founding father through a blend of hip-hop and traditional musical styles.

What is Hamilton?


In this play by Lorraine Hansberry, a working-class black American family strives for a better life in a predominately white neighborhood.

What is A Raisin in the Sun?


This term refers to the practice of rehearsing lines until the script is known by heart.

What is memorization?


This person is in charge of the entire show; they make the overall decisions for the look and theme of a show.

What is the director?


This power tool is used to quickly assemble and disassemble set pieces using screws.

What is a drill?


This 1971 hit musical features Danny Zuko, Sandy Dumbrowski, and a song called "Summer Nights."

What is Grease?


This commonly read play features a feud between two Italian families.

What is Romeo and Juliet?


When an actor speaks loudly enough for everyone in the audience to clearly hear, they are using this voice technique.

What is projecting?


This position involves managing the day-to-day operations of the stage during rehearsals and shows, including coordinating scene changes.

What is the stage manager?


This tool is used to measure distances and lengths and is retractable.

What is a measuring tape?


This musical, set in a post-apocalyptic world, features the song "Defying Gravity" and will be released as a film this November.

What is Wicked?


August Wilson wrote this play to show the experience of the average black family in 1950's urban America. (Hint: It's one of Colleen's faves.)

What is Fences?


This is where an actor is supposed to stand and how the actor is supposed to position their body on stage.

What is blocking?


This position is in charge of the clothing actors will wear on stage.

What is a costume designer?


This tool, which uses a heating element and solid-to-liquid bonder to attach materials, is often used in costuming and set design for quick repairs.

What is a glue gun?


In this 1960 musical, based on a comic strip, the main characters are an orphan and a rich man who adopts her.

What is Annie?


In this Shakespearean tragedy, the lead becomes King after murdering Duncan, but loses everything in the end due to his ambition.

What is Macbeth?


This is the process where two actors sharing dialogue on stage face at 45 degree angles instead of directly towards each other.

What is cheating out?


This position ensures that the stage, actors, and action are highlighted properly to create the desired mood.

What is the lighting designer?


This tool comes in a variety of sizes from tiny to over 3 inches wide and is used to apply liquid coloring to a variety of surfaces.

What is a paint brush?


This Lin-Manuel Miranda 2018 musical explores the lives and dreams of the residents of Washington Heights.

What is In the Heights?


This play showing the correlation between the Red Scare and the Salem Witch Trials was written by Arthur Miller and will be performed by the HML Drama Club this year.

What is The Crucible?

Many well-known actors, like Vincent D'Onofrio and Heath Ledger, immerse themselves completely into a role, even living it in real life, in order to portray it convincingly using this acting style.

What is method acting?