Cultural Iceberg

In how many countries is Chinese an official language?



In how many countries is French the official language?



In how many countries is German the official language?



In how many countries is Spanish an official language?



Explain WHY an iceberg is used to represent culture.

There are elements of culture that we see/experience (above the surface) and there are elements of culture that we don't see/experience (underwater). Most of the what makes up someone's culture is below the surface. 


Name 3 countries where Chinese is an official language?

China, Singapore, Taiwan, Macau, and Hong Kong


Name 3 countries where French is an official language.

France, Belgium, Benin, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Canada, Chad, Ivory Coast, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Haiti, Luxembourg, Madagascar, Mali, Monaco, Niger, Rwanda, Senegal, Seychelles, Switzerland, Togo, Vanuatu


Name 3 countries where German is an official language.

Germany, Austria, Belgium, Luxembourg, Switzerland, and Liechtenstein


Name 3 countries where Spanish is spoken as an official language.

Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, Equatorial Guinea, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Puerto Rico, Spain, Uruguay, Venezuela


Name 3 elements of culture that are above the surface/water on the iceberg diagram.

food, language, festivals, dress (clothing), music


Name one element of culture from the Chinese-speaking cultures that we focused on and provide an example.

language/characters- The Chinese language uses characters as their written language. 


Name one element of culture from the French-speaking cultures that we focused on and provide an example.

Food/Cafés- Cafés are a popular element of the French culture, specifically in France! There are over 12,000 cafés in Paris!


Name one element of culture from the German-speaking cultures that we focused on and provide an example.

Festivals/Celebrations- celebrating Karneval, St. Martin's Day, or Oktoberfest


Name one element of culture from the Spanish culture that we focused on and provide an example.

Music & dance: Spanish flamenco


Name 3 elements of culture that are below the surface/water on the iceberg diagram.

religious beliefs, certain behaviors, preferences


What are 3 materials  needed to write Chinese calligraphy?

The ink brush, ink, paper, and inkstone are essential implements of Chinese calligraphy.


Explain why people call cafés the "living rooms" of the French.

In Paris, most people's homes are too small to have a living room. People go to cafés in order to socialize and chat with friends.

What is the history of one (1) German celebration we learned about?

Karneval/Fasching- wearing masks and costumes to scare away ghosts; celebrating & feasting before 40 days of fasting

Oktoberfest- celebration of wedding ceremony; gifting gingerbread hearts to sweethearts

St. Martin's Day- honoring and celebrating the generosity and kindness of St. Martin by making lanterns and singing traditional songs


Name the three parts of flamenco.

guitarist, singer, dancer


Identify a visible element of culture. Explain why it is considered "visible". Provide an example of this visible element of culture.

Food: In some European cultures, lunch is at 2:00-3:00 and dinner is after 8:00.

Dress: A hijab is a religious veil worn by many women in some Muslim cultures.

Language: In some cultures, more than one language is spoken. For example, many people in Europe speak 3+ languages.

You don't have to be part of the culture to understand it or experience it. 


Explain the evolution of Chinese characters.

Originally, Chinese characters were representative of the word as an image. Over time, they become more simplified.

Name two differences between French cafés and U.S. restaurants. 

Tips & tax are included in the bill in French cafés.

French waiters often leave people alone while they dine and you need to call them over if you need something.

People typically seat themselves at French cafés.

People take there time eating, drinking, talking, and people watching at French cafés, often for hours.


What are 2 traditions/customs of German Karneval or Fasching?

People traditionally wear masks (sometimes made of wood that can weigh 20 pounds) to "scare away evil spirits."

People have parades and parties.

Some people prepare to fast by eating a lot of food.


What 3 cultures influenced Spanish flamenco?

Moorish, Sephardic Jewish, and Roma (gitano)


Identify an invisible element of culture. Explain why it is considered "invisible". Provide an example of this invisible element of culture.

Religious Belief: In some Mexican cultures, people believe spirits of loved ones come and visit during Day of the Dead.

Punctuality: In some cultures, people believe it is okay to be 15-20 minutes late to meetings.

Family Roles: In some cultures, the man goes to work and the woman takes care of the home and children.

You have to be part of the culture to understand it or experience it.