Mr. Porter's Background
"The Live Five"
Classroom Procedures 1
Classroom Procedures 2
Classroom Procedures 3

This is the instrument that Mr. Porter played while he marched in the band at ASU. 

What is the Tuba?


You should come to class this way. 

What is prepared and on time?


Enter the classroom this way. 

What is respectfully?


This will always be locked. No one should open this without my permission. 

What is the door?


You should do this if you need a pencil.

Be reminded that using my pencils are a privilege. They will not be abused! You didn't buy them so you won't take advantage of them. They can easily be taken away!

What is raise your hand with the index (pointer) finger up only?!


This is Mr. Porter's favorite college football team?

What is Auburn University?


No one should do this while anyone else is talking.

What is "No talking while anyone else is talking!"?


If one person is out of ___________ then the entire class is out of ___________. 

What is order?

If you are late to class, you will need this. 

What is a pass?

You should do this if you need to use the restroom.

Be reminded that using the restroom is a privilege during class. I DO NOT HAVE TO LET YOU GO! Always be sure to go before or after class to prevent classroom disruption. 

What is raise your hand with two fingers (index and middle finger only)!!!!!!!


What is Mr. Porter's favorite HBCU football team?

What is ASU?


Doing this without permission is a NO NO!

What is getting up in class without permission?

"One class, one ___________!"

What is sound?


No one should do this early towards the end of the period.

What is pack up early?


You should do this if you need some tissue.

What is raising your hand with the other hand covering your mouth?

Mr. Porter has been a fan of this pro basketball since about the year 2000. 

Who are the LA Lakers?


You must give ________ to get it. Be __________ at all times!

What is respect; respectful?


Do this as soon as you enter the classroom.

What is take your seat quickly and quietly?

Who is the only one that can dismiss class?

Who is Mr. Porter?


This is the only place that backpacks are allowed to be.

What is on the back of your chair?

What two pro football teams does Mr. Porter enjoy watching?

Who are the Carolina Panthers and the Green Bay Packers?

Do this if you have a question AND DO NOT YELL OUT!

What is raising your hand?

This will be on the board when you enter the classroom. You only have five minutes to complete this assignment. 

What is a "bell ringer"? 

None of this should be on the floor at the end of class. Mr. Porter will look closely for this before the class lines up to leave.

What is paper/trash?


You use this to Facetime, call, text, and socialize. However, you CAN NOT use it at Southlawn Middle School! Keep it put up or it will be confiscated!

What is a cellphone?