Introduction to anthropology
Introduction to law
Politics and news

Define sociology 

The study of social life, social change, and the social causes and consequences of human behavior.


Impact of the scientific revolution in the worldview during the renaissance

The Scientific Revolution challenged traditional beliefs and laid the foundation for a more rational and empirical approach to knowledge, influencing fields such as medicine, astronomy and physics.


What is the object of study of cultural anthropology?

Cultural anthropology studies the customs, beliefs, and practices of human societies, with a focus on cultural diversity and the ways in which people make sense of their world.


What is the difference between public law and private law?

Public law regulates relations between the State and individuals, while private law regulates relations between individuals and private entities.


How can the media influence public opinion on political issues?

The media can influence public opinion through story selection, editorial tone, focus of coverage, and presentation of biased or selective information.


How do social structures influence individual behavior?

 They determine available opportunities and social expectations, shaping individual actions and decisions.


What was the role of the Enlightenment in the revolutions of the 18th century?

The Enlightenment promoted ideas of freedom, equality, and rationality, which inspired revolutionary movements such as the French Revolution and the American Revolution.


What topics do social studies typically address?

Social studies can include topics such as history, geography, economics, politics, and sociology, with the goal of understanding society and its institutions.


What are the main sources of law in civil tradition legal systems?

The main sources of law in legal systems of civil tradition are written legislation, jurisprudence and legal doctrine.


What is the impact of social media on contemporary politics?

 Transformation in political participation and information dissemination, but also concerns about misinformation and manipulation.


What's the difference between material culture and symbolic culture?

Material culture consists of physical objects, while symbolic culture comprises shared symbols and values.


What is meant by "social construction of gender"?

The social construction of gender refers to how social ideas and norms influence people's perception and expression of gender identity.


What does anthropology study?

Anthropology studies human diversity across time and space, including aspects such as culture, language, biological evolution, and social structures.


What is the purpose of social contract theory in political science?

Social contract theory seeks to explain how societies are formed and maintained through implicit or explicit agreements between individuals and the government.


 What is political populism and what are its characteristics?

A movement appealing to the common population against political elites, led by a charismatic figure with anti-establishment rhetoric.


What role do socialization agents play in shaping identity?

They transmit norms, values, and behaviors, contributing to individuals' identity formation.


What events led to the American Revolution?

The imposition of taxes without representation in the British Parliament, such as the tea tax, and other coercive measures, provoked resistance and eventually revolt by the American colonies against British rule.


What are the main branches of anthropology?

 The main branches are cultural anthropology, physical anthropology (or biological anthropology), archaeology, and linguistic anthropology.


What is the difference between individual rights and collective rights in law?

Individual rights refer to the freedoms and protections of individuals, such as freedom of speech. Collective rights relate to specific groups, such as ethnic minorities, and their cultural preservation or access to shared resources.


How does climate change affect international politics?

Generates global debates on environmental agreements, energy policies, and coordinated actions.


What is conflict theory in sociology?

 A perspective viewing society as the outcome of conflicts among different groups for scarce resources.


What impact did the Scientific Revolution have on the perception of the natural world?

 transformed human thought about the natural world, replacing authority and tradition with an empirical and rational approach based on observation, experimentation, and logical reasoning. This laid the groundwork for the modern scientific method and led to significant advancements in multiple scientific fields.


Why is the cultural perspective important in anthropology?

The cultural perspective in anthropology allows us to understand how societies and human groups interpret the world, behave, and organize themselves based on their own cultural beliefs, values, and norms.


What are the types of rights recognized in international law?

The types of rights recognized in international law include human rights, civil and political rights, economic, social, and cultural rights, as well as the rights of peoples and collective rights. These rights protect fundamental aspects of human dignity and encompass a wide range of freedoms and guarantees.


What is the role of the media in shaping public opinion on political issues?

Information, interpretation, and agenda-setting, influencing which issues are considered important by the audience.