Science & Math
Types of Animation
Animation Steps
Areas of Multi-Media
Hodge Podge
A commercial has a frame rate of 12 frames per second. How many frames are needed for a 30 second commercial.
What is 360 frames?
A small book consisting of a series of images in different positions that create the illusion of flowing movement when the thumb is placed so the pages flip quickly.
What is a Flip Book?
Series of sketches that can be used as a guide for making a cartoon, movie, or video game.
What is Storyboarding?
The broadcasting of a still or moving image via radio waves to receivers that project a view of the image on a picture tube.
What is Television?
A type of Animation that uses layout, design, and timing skills, along with computer software to develop 2D and 3D Animations.
What is Computer Animation?
A video game is created at 400 Frames per second. How many frames are needed for 2 seconds of play?
What is 800 FPS?
A series of hand drawings that is copied and change slightly from frame to frame.
What is Hand Drawn Animation?
Refers to using computer software to create 3D computer models of characters, props, and sets.
What is Modeling?
A vast computer network linking smaller computer networks worldwide.
What is the Internet?
A movie in which characters had to act scenes without having actual dinosaurs attacking them.
What is Jurassic Park?
When a series of still images are shown to you at a fast rate and your brain cannot process the images fast enough and they appear to move.
What is Persistence of Vision (POV)?
A type of Animation where a model is photographed and change slightly between frames.
What is Stop Motion Animation?
Step used to show the beginning and ending points in an action sequence.
What is Animation?
Any of various interactive games played using a specialized electronic gaming device or a computer or mobile device and a television or other display screen, along with a means to control graphic images.
What are Video Games?
Performs the voice of Woody in Toy Story.
Who is Tom Hanks?
An example of POV where 2 sides of an object have different pictures on it. Rotating the pictures back and forth quickly making the images appear to merge.
What is a Thaumatrope?
A type of Computer Animation where the characters appear to move toward and away from you.
What is 3D Computer Animation?
These details are used to add realism to Animations.
What is Shading, Lighting, and Texturing?
An area of Animation in which the director controls the scene, and dialogue the viewer is exposed to.
What is Animation Movie or Animated TV show?
Started off as a Clay Model and now is the star animation in promoting bake goods.
Who is the Pillsbury Doughboy?
Creation of simulated movement using a series of still images.
What is Animation?
A type of computer Animation where the characters appear very flat, only move side to side and have limited texture and shading.
What is 2D Computer Animation?
Combines multiple lines of data (Sound, Background Music, and Frames) into one line of completed/finished product.
What is Rendering?
An area of Animation in which the player controls the characters movements.
What is Video Game?
Magnetic Motion, Optical Motion, and Electro-Mechanical Motion are ways to capture this.
What is Human Movement?