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This is an Interdisciplinary Science that gathers and analyzes data on various aspects of crime and criminal behavior.

What is Criminology.


The primary source of official crime statistics in the United States. 

What are the Uniform Crime Reports.


This field studies the victims of crime and the process of victimization.

What is victimology.


This is the framework of social institutions that operate to structure the patterns of relationships members of society have with one another.

What is a Social Structure.


This theory states that the learning of criminal behavior occurs within intimate personal groups. This theory was also the first to use differential social organization as a term. 

What is differential association theory (DAT). 


These are inherently bad crimes.

What is mala in se.


This is the name of the category of offenses that include homicide, assault, forcible rape, and robbery.

What are Part I offenses (also known as Index Crimes). 


This is the illegal trade in human beings through abduction, the use or threat of force, deception, fraud, or sale for the purposes of sexual exploitation or forced labor". 

What is human trafficking.


This perspective views society as a system of mutually sustaining parts.

What is the consensus perspective. 


This theory uses Operant Psychology, such as reinforcement and punishment, to explain how criminal behavior is learned. 

What is Social Learning Theory (SLT).


A set of logically interconnected propositions explaining how phenomena are related and from which a number of hypotheses can be derived and tested.

What is a theory.


There is no hierarchy rule under this system of official crime statistics.  

What is the NIBRS (National Incident Based Reporting System). 


This is the theory where the basic premise is that by acting in certain provocative ways, some individuals initiate a chain of events that lead to their victimization. 

What is victim precipitation theory. 


This is the term for the breakdown of the power of informal community rules to regulate conduct. 

What is social disorganization. 


This is a set of theories that assume that criminal behavior arises from natural motivations that we must learn to curb. 

What are social control theories.


This is a factor that must be present for criminal behavior to occur, and in its absence criminal behavior has never occurred. 

What is a necessary cause. 


This is the portion of the total crimes committed each year that never comes to light.

What are dark or hidden figures of crime. 


This theory involves a motivated offender, a suitable target, and a lack of guardianship.  

What is routine activities theory. 


This is the shared power of a group of connected and engaged individuals to influence the maintenance of public order.

What is collective efficacy.


This theory espouses 4 elements: Attachment, commitment, involvement, and belief. 

What is the Social Bonding Theory. 


This vision views human nature as being innate that is self-centered and largely unalterable. 

What is a constrained vision.


This is when a crime is cleared by the arrest of a suspect or by exceptional means.

What is a cleared offense.


This was passed by the Senate in 2004 to give Victims more rights in the Criminal Justice System.

What are Crime Victims' Bill of Rights.


This states that we cannot make inferences about individuals and groups on the basis of information derived from the larger population of which they are a part of. 

What is ecological fallacy. 


This theory assumes that secondary deviance arises from society's reaction to primary deviance.

What is Labeling Theory.