What is Cross-Cultural Psychology
Goals of Cross Cultural Psychology
Ethnocentrism in Psychology
General Frameworks
The shared way of life of a group people
What is culture?
Assuming psychological phenomena are the same in all cultures no matter where one observes them
What is absolutism?
general guide to classes of variables and their relevance for the explanation of similarities and differences in human behavior and experience to be found across cultures
What is ecocultural framework?
the study of similarities and differences in individual psychological functioning among cultures
What is cross-cultural psychology?
The assumption that all human behavior is culturally patterned
What is Relativism?
In 1906 who coined the term ethnocentrism
Who is Sumner?
proposed linkages between ecology and culture
Who is Malinowski?
comparison of psychological variables under different cultural conditions which specify the antecedents that mediate the emergence of behavior
What is Eckensberger's definition of Cross Cultural Psychology?
The assumption that basic psychological processes are common to all members of a species is....
What is universalism?
The search for non-western approaches has been gaining momentum, these have come to be known as.....
What is indigenous psychologies?
proposed the linkages between human behavior and sociocultural context
Who is Rivers?
the study of the culture's role in the mental life of human beings
What is Cole's definition of Cross-Cultural Psychology?
Psychologist seek to transport their present findings to other cultural settings to test their validity in other cultures
What is the transport and test goal?
An example of a varying phenomenon viewed in its own context and described and interpreted relative to the cultural and ecological situation is......
What is greeting procedures?
ecological and sociopolitical contexts (figure 1.1)
What are the two feedback relationships illustrated in fig. 1.1?
Studies carried out in two populations which culturally closely related (such as Scots-Irish)
What is Cross National Comparisons?
Argued that we do cross-cultural psychology using data from "various peoples throughout the world to test hypothesis concerning human behavior."
What is Whiting's idea of Cross-Cultural Psychology?
What does Campbell purpose as a second protection against certain dangers that could possibly expose higher levels of Ethnocentrism......
What is carrying out every cross-cultural research project four times?
is one central feature of ecological context
What is economic activity?