This component of the emblem represents freedom
This degree is earned in middle school
What did FFA originally stand for?
Future Farmers of America
Student discovers different job possibilities by job shadowing or attending career fairs
How many paragraphs are in the FFA Creed?
This component of the emblem represents wisdom and knowledge
This degree is usually earned in 9th grade
What does SAE stand for?
Supervised Agricultural Experience
Student owns their own business
What crop is grown in all 50 states?
This component of the emblem represents labor and tillage of the soil
This degree is usually earned in 10th grade during the student's 2nd year in FFA; it's awarded on the local level
What does CDE stand for?
Career Development Event
Student conducts an experiment
Who wrote the FFA Creed?
E.M. Tiffany
This component of the emblem represents unity
Cross Section Ear of Corn
Usually earned in 11th or 12th grade; awarded by GA FFA
What does LDE stand for?
Leadership Development Event
Student volunteers or works without receiving payment
Unpaid Placement
These 3 things make up the three ring model
FFA, Class/Lab, SAE
This component of the emblem represents progress and the promise of a new day
Rising Sun
The highest FFA degree awarded after high school on the national level
What is the official name of FFA today?
The National FFA Organization
Student works for someone else and receives payment
Paid Placement
This is used to keep order during a meeting and allow everyone to voice their opinion
Parliamentary Procedure