Let's Get Physical
Mas-LOW Blow!
Terms of Endearment
Hodge Podge
Teacher Teacher!
True or False: The changes in size, body composition, chemical make-up is called cognitive development.
What is FALSE
Identify this tier in Maslow Hierarchy of Needs: This is the second level humans need in order to survive. They need to feel safe in their surroundings. They cannot reach this without establishing their PHYSICAL NEEDS FIRST
What is Security
Traits that people are born with or have genetically acquired.
What is heredity
According to the video what part of the brain controls short-term memory hippocampus; pituitary; frontal lobe; spinal cortex
What is hippocampus
If three year old Amy is being observed through a two way mirror and the observers saw that Amy noticed doll on the top self of a cabinet. Amy began reaching for the doll but she could not reach them. If Amy began to move all the large crates under the cabinet and then stacked the crates to use as a step stool to reach the doll Amy would be exhibiting what type of learning style?
What is Andragogy
During what stage of life are you more likely to have a change in sleep patterns, the body slows in regeneration, and arteries begin to harden? Birth; Toddlerhood; Childhood; Teen Year; Adulthood
What is Adulthood
According to your internet research Abraham Maslow is currently teaching Human Sciences at Harvard University. Last year he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his Theory of Human Needs.
What is False, Maslow died in 1970
Refers to developmental changes that are relatively slow, but steady.
What is continuity
Give me two examples of changes a person will go through in socio-emotional development
Answes will vary
The changes in how people perceive, sense, organize, memorize, recall, reason, problem solve, and imagine that occur as humans develop from birth through older adulthood.
What is cognition or cognitive development
Billy's son is starting to crawl. He and his wife Peggy are super happy. What type of motor skills is the baby performing
What is gross motor skills
Identify this tier in Maslow Hierarchy of Needs: This is the basic level humans need in order to survive. They need of air, water food, clothing, and shelter.
What is Physical Needs
The debate between genetic and environmental influences on development. Is it discontinuity vs continuity; nature vs nurture; or fine motor skills vs gross motor skills
What is nature vs nuture
Life-span development begins with _______ and ends with _______. A) birth; death B) conception; old age C) infancy; old age D) conception; death
What is D, conception; death
If you walk into the third grade class room and Mrs. Kling is showing the students how to add numbers using popsicle sticks what type of learning style are you witnessing.
What is pedagogy
True or False: According to scientist, your physical development stops after you become a teenager.
What is False
True or False: Self-Actualization is the base level of the human need, it must first be met before the higher-level needs can be met.
What is False, self-actualization is the highest level and is a continuing lifelong process.
The process of development, spurred by abrupt changes.
What is discontinuity
Physical tasks involving large muscle movements such as crawling, walking, and jumping.
What is gross motor skills
Actions or processes that involve thinking and knowing are called _____. fine-motor skills; andragogy; cognition; pedagogy
What is cognition
Johnny is learning how to write his name for the first time. He is practicing what type of motor skill, gross or fine?
What is fine motor skills
What are the five levels in the Theory of Need pyramid, in order from base level to highest level
What is physical, security, love, esteem, self-acutalization
Self-Directed Learning is also called
What is andragogy
Which of the following is not a typical developmental characteristic of the teenage and early adult years? Becoming independent; Learning self-control; Processing complex ideas; Taking on more responsibility
What is learning self control (that is developed in the earlier years)
Teacher-or parent-directed learning.
What is pedagogy