the passing down of the Good News from Jesus to the Apostles
Sacred Tradition
Revelation means
to unveil
The main purpose of the New Testament
tell us about Jesus Christ
Name the four Gospels
Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John
Does the Original Manuscript of the Bible still exist today?
the teaching authority of the Church including the bishops and Pope
The New Testament was written in...
What has 47 books?
The Old Testament
What is our main goal in life?
To get to heaven.
Epistles consists what:
grace, or prayer, or wisdom, or sacrifice
What are the four Gospels
How many books are in the New Testament
27 books
How does God reveal himself to us?
Divine Revelation - this is the process where He comes to us through Sacred Scripture and Tradition.
What are the deposits of faith?
they are the teachings of the Catholic Church which include Sacred Scripture and Sacred Tradtion.
Acts of the Apostles
Fill in the blank:
The New Testament _____the Old Testament
How many books are in the Bible total
74 books
How do we know that the Bible is true?
The Holy Spirit wrote the Bible through inspiration of the authors. We believe that the Scripture is infallible and that since God wrote it through the people we believe it to be true.
Inspiration means (3 things)
were authors that God used to write what He wanted
wrote with no error
also used their creativity and personal style in their writing (Gospels were written to different people)
Acts of the Apostles
What is the main purpose of the New Testament?
The purpose is to tell us about Jesus Christ
How do the Old Testament and the New Testament work together?
It is one story that comes together, the Old Testament is about hope for the coming Messiah and the New Testament is about the fulfillment the Messiah has come.
Why does the Catholic Church through the Magisterium interpret Scripture?
Scripture has been down on scrolls and we had to reconstruct the stories. It has been written in different languages and it was hard to write something with a lot of accuracy just from memory. This is why we have the Magisterium to help us interpret the Bible.