Apple's macOS started the era of [BLANK].
What is GUI?
The developer of Windows
What is Microsoft Corporation?
The developers of the complete operating system of Linux
What is Torvalds, Stallman, & FSF?
The shortcut for Quit in Windows
What is Control + W?
[BLANK] was inspired by [BLANK] to create its first operating system.
What is Microsoft and Apple?
The period when macOS was formerly known as Mac OS
What is 1984 - 2001?
The former name of Windows
What is Interface Manager?
Linux is not a [BLANK] and [BLANK] operating system.
What is user-friendly and popular?
The shortcut for copy in Linux
What is cp?
GUI stands for ...
What is Graphic User Interface?
macOS is licensed to be distributed to ...
What is Apple's personal computers?
The year Windows released their first GUI
What is 1985?
Linux is licensed to be distributed to ...
What is Mint & Ubuntu?
The shortcut for Preview in macOS
What is spacebar?
The year Windows 95 was released
What is 1995?
Mac is short for ...
What is Macintosh?
In 2015, Microsoft Corporation released [BLANK] and replaced [BLANK] with [BLANK].
What is Windows 10, Internet Explorer, and Microsoft Edge?
The shortcuts to creating a new folder and deleting an empty folder
What is mkdir and rmdir?
The action of Control + M in Windows
What is Marking Mode?
Approximately [BLANK] percent of personal computers having operating system of [BLANK].
What is 90% and Windows?
The period that Apple made an agreement for Microsoft to allow certain parts of the Mac interface to be used on the early versions of Windows
What is 1980s?
The year Windows XP was released and Windows 95 let go
What is 2001?
Two operating systems that are Linux-based
What is Android mobile and Chrome OS?
The command "pwd" stands for ...
What is print working directory?
Linux is a [BLANK] and [BLANK] operating system that rarely crashes.
What is reliable and efficient?