Author Background
Garvey in America/ Effects in America

The author of Philosophy and Opinions of Marcus Garvey

Who is Hollis R Lynch?


Definition of Pan-Africanism

What is the idea that peoples of African descent have common interests and should be unified?


They controlled the New Colony:

They used it for:

What is a white organization?

What is a dumping ground for slaves who were no longer economically useful?


Person who inspired Garvey to set his own pan - africanism path

Booker T. Washington


Liberia was ___ which caught the attention of European Powers but still participated with the _____

politically independent

American Colonization Society 


His occupation before he retired

What is history professor at Columbia?


Primary motive for pan-Africanism

What is the conviction that the African diaspora faced common problems and should seek a common solution


The way to achieve "The goal for black people everywhere"

What was to obtain dignity and respect for black people everywhere, they would need to make a distinct cultural contribution to the world to 'make their mark' politically and socially

Garvey went around ___(#) states meeting with black leaders and lecturing black audiences. 

He felt ___ with the black leaders because he thought it was ineffective

Garvey went around 38 states meeting with black leaders and lecturing black audiences. 

He felt disappointed with the black leaders because he thought it was ineffective

Liberia faced constant harassment from the wartime native from: ___ and _____

Britain and Germany


Areas he specialized in

What is West Africa (Nigeria specifically and the Caribbean culture?


The time in America when Pan-African ideals rose and why

What is after the war in the South after they kept efforts to not give black people their rights after the war and kept them down economically because white people did not want to lose cheap labor if they had to start to give black people more rights 


____ said: no race will ever be respected, or ought to be respected, who don't show themselves capable of founding and manning a government of their own creation."

Henry McNeil Turner 

The one success that The Exodus Company had before is got shut down

What is they brought a ship that settled almost 200 emigrants in Liberia


80 black emigrants set out in 1818 on "good ship Elizabeth" in hope of: _________

changing the status of the African diaspora as a whole


His research interests were modern ____ (place) ____(subject) thought. ___(place) interests in ____ (place) in the 19th and 20th centuries.

His research interests were modern African (place) political(subject) thought. American(place) interests in Africa (place) in the 19th and 20th centuries.


Purpose and goals of the Exodus Company and the Chief Sam Movement

What was to promote reparations for black people and making a link between America and West Africa?


Hall of fame he was inducted into

What is the Tobagl Literary Hall of Fame?