Understanding the conscious experiences through introspection
What is structuralism?
William James
Who founded Functionalism ?
Inner fulfillment
What is Self- Actualization?
Studies how the structure and function of the nervous system generates behaviors
What is Biosychology?
has a percentage of 26%
What is the percentage of University?
Focused on how mental activites helped an organism adapt to its environment
What is Functionalism?
Abraham Maslow and Carl Rogers
Who founded Humanism?
Food, water, shelter, warmth
What is Physiological?
Focuses on diagnosis and treatment of psychological disorders and problematic patterns of behavior
What is Clinical Psychology?
has a percentage of 6%
What is the percentage of Medical School?
It focuses on the role of the unconscious in affecting conscious behavior
What is the Psychoanalytic Theory?
Wilhelm Wundt
Who founded Structuralism?
Self-worth, accomplishment, confidence
What is Esteem?
Studies focus on both the physiological aspects of sensory systems and the psychological experience of sensory information
What are Sensation and Perception?
has a percentage of 16%
What was the percentage of Government/VA Medical Center?
It focuses on humans as a whole rather than individual parts
What is the Gestalt Psychology?
Wertheimer, Koffka, Kohler
Who were the founders of Gestalt Psychology?
Family, friendship, intimacy, belonging
What is Social?
Studies the physical and mental attributes of aging and maturation
What is Developmental Psychology?
has a percentage of 10%
What is the percentage of business or nonprofit?
Emphasizes the potential for good that is innate to all humans
What is Humanism?
Pavlov, Watson, Skinner
Who were the founders of Behaviorism?
Safety, employment, assert
What is security?
It focuses on how individual health is directly related to or affected by biological, psychological, and sociocultural influences.
What is Health Psychology?
has a percentage of 25%
What is the percentage of Hospital or Health Science?