Psychology Research
Biology of Psychology
Memory and Addiction
Disorders and Treatments
Psychology Miscellaneous
Researchers collect enough data to to develop and explain how people behave. They are creating a _____ from the results gathered.
What is a theory
The body's detection of external stimuli and then, further processing, organizing, and interpreting of those stimuli.
What is sensation and perception?
On Mondays at 2:30, you normally drive to Introduction to Psychology. It is finals week and your Introduction to Psychology class is no longer meeting. You realize that you are parking your car on Monday at 2:15, during finals week.
What is automated behavior?
_____ believed that Psychoanalysis was the best form of treatment, and he is "the father" of Psychoanalysis. _____believed that unconscious desires guide the choices we make.
What is Sigmund Freud?
For infants / young children - attachment style - When the parental figure leaves, they may express slight separation anxiety and then continue playing, their response to strangers is generally welcoming, when the parental figure returns, they are happy to see them and may continue playing contently but will acknowledge or go to the parent.
What is the behavior of a securely attached baby?
This study involves detailing of behavior. The researcher could take notes on behavior, consider effects of a controls placed on participants, or possibly count participants in behavior.
What is a descriptive study?
Understanding brain chemistry, mapping the human genome, and brain scans to see the working brain.
What are three general developments in biology that have helped expand psychological science?
The reward and value translation to the brain when ____ are consumed: activate dopamine receptors that bind with the ___. When the _____ is not there, the activation of even normal dopamine ranges is decreased. The body waits because it has just had an over-surgence.
What is the consumption of opiates in relation to the reward value to the brain when considering receptors and binding?
The area of psychology which studies cognition - the way that the mind processes, stores, and retrieves information. The way that we reason and think.
What is Cognitve?
Pre-Conventional, Conventional and Post-Conventional thinking and behavior.
What is Kohlberg's Theory of Moral Development?
The researcher selects participants that are convenient to access for his/her sample. College students are an example of this, and they are the most frequently used in this sampling method.
What is a sample of convenience?
The younger we are the more we sleep. The older we are the less we sleep. This would show a ______ correlation.
What is someone's age (Infant - Adolescent - Older Adult) in relation to hours of sleep, what would the correlation be?
learning by watching others consume drugs and alcohol, being a risk taker, escape from pain or avoiding problems in one's life.
What is contributor to addiction?
This type of psychology is an inter-disciplinary field. Within this psychology there is a bio, psycho, social approach which is often utilized.
What is Health Psychology?
Who plays the roles in a child's development. What groups?
What is the role of parents and peers in children's development, and is one more important than the other?
This sampling involves a sample that is a large group that is selected by chance but organized. For example, drawing students' names out of a hat for all psychology classes in Montana.
What is random sampling?
This is here and now. This brain is more linear, analytical, organization, past and future.
What are the right brain and the left brain responsible for?
_____ are how we organize our thoughts and choices as we reflect on what we know from previous lived experiences. With _____, we form perceptions. Everyone's perception is unique and individual to their lived experiences.
What are schemas?
This model uses only medical concepts such as blood work, hormone levels, heart rate, bran scans etc. They would not consider socialization or behavior in the assessment.
What is the biological / medical model in assessing someones psychological well being?
Psychology! It helps to make people happier, better understand themselves, and encourages us to want to help others.
What is one of the most popular majors and why?
1) This type of survey question the participant circles the best choice - the answer is given; 2) This type of survey question is when the participant provides the answer - writes out the answer; 3) This is a way to look at data that would show an ASSOCIATION between variables NOT a cause and effect.
What is a self-report survey with closed-ended questions, open-ended questions, and correlations?
This affects pleasure and reward sensations while this affects appetite, sleep, and social well-being. Basically, they are both feel good!
What is dopamine and seratonin?
fetal alcohol syndrome is a kind of birth defect.
What is a preventable birth defect?
According to research, attractive and credible people tend to be the best individuals to convey this while rational, emotional, sophisticated, and partisanship all play a smaller role.
What is considered to be the most persuasive source (speaker) when we consider social psychology?
This produces behavior while this influences behavior.
What is motivation and does it produce behavior or cognition, and what does emotion do to motivation?