Nature of Science
Experimental Design
Models and Systems
Everything Else!
Name a type of scientist and what they study.
A biologist (Living organisms and the human body) A geologist (Rocks, minerals, and the earth) An astronomer (Planets, stars, and galaxies)
"You want to know which fertilizer makes plants grow the tallest. You design an experiment where you plant one plant with fertilizer A, a second with fertilizer B, and a third with no fertilizer at all. You will measure the height of each plant after two weeks." Which type of variable is the height of the plant?
The dependent variable
The accepted value for the weight of an NHL hockey puck is 6.0 ounces. Three pucks are weighed:

Puck 1: 4.4 oz
Puck 2: 4.7 oz
Puck 3: 4.2 oz

How was the puck maker's accuracy and precision?

Precise, but not accurate
Why do scientists use models?
To study systems that are very large, small, or complicated
What is the first thing you should do when you come in to a science laboratory at school?
Wait for the teacher to give directions
What type of reasoning is this? "You come home and observe the clock on your microwave flashing and that a light you had accidentally left on is now off. You reason that there must have been a power outage."
An inference
What is this an example of? "You want to know which fertilizer makes plants grow the tallest. You design an experiment where you plant a bean plant with fertilizer A, a sunflower with fertilizer B, and a tomato plant with no fertilizer at all. You will measure the height of each plant after two weeks."
Experimental bias
Why do scientists use SI units?
So they can communicate without confusion
What is material or energy entering into a system?
What is the first thing you should do if there is an accident?
Tell the teacher or adult
What is a body of knowledge and a process of discovery that allows humans to understand the natural world?
You see a commercial for a new cold medicine that claims 90% of people's symptoms go away when they take the medicine. In very small print, it says the research was paid for by the company that makes the cold medicine. Why might you be skeptical of how well the cold medicine actually works?
The company that paid for the research has something to gain from it

How many baskets would the student make from 4 meters away?

What is material or energy produced by a system?
What is a new device, method, or process that is developed through study and experimentation?
An invention
What is one thing a scientific theory and a scientific law do not have in common?
A theory provides an explanation for what you observe, a law does not.
A team of doctors read an article about a new treatment for a disease. They really think it can help their patients, but want to try to find more evidence to support the effectiveness of the treatment. The doctors are being open-minded, but, what else at the same time?

What is the volume of liquid in the graduated cylinder?

76 mL
Give an example of a system.
A bicycle, refrigerator, computer, etc.
Which step in SQ3R can help you find the main ideas to focus your attention before you read?
Describe an example of how understanding scientific principles can help you solve a problem in your everyday life.
"You want to know which type of Xbox controller performs better: one with rubber grips or one with plastic grips. You design an experiment where you have ten people play a game with the rubber gripped controller and ten people play the same game with the plastic gripped controller. You will average the game scores of both groups." Which type of variable is the type of controller?
The independent variable
If you take a brick from Earth to the International Space Station (where there is less gravity), what will happen to its mass and weight?
It will weigh less, but its mass will stay the same
Give an example of an output from a system.
Exhaust from a car, the clown from a jack-in-the-box, cold air from an air conditioner, etc.

What is the meaning of this safety symbol?
