Understanding Suffering
The Kingdom of God
1st Century Jewish Society
The United Nations
According to the Creation stories in Genesis, suffering is caused by God. True/False
What is False.
What is the main role of prophets...
What is to call people back to friendship with God and each other?
He sets the standard for justice in the Christian tradition.
Who is Jesus?
A good image for the structure of Jewish society during Jesus' time.
What is a pyramid (or triangle)?
There are ____ countries in the world. ____ are part of the United Nations.
What is 196, 193?
The tendency to reject our own humanity as created in the image of God is called...
What is Original Sin?
Christian prophets many times exemplified these personality traits...
What is timid, shy, insecure, (something along these lines will work)?
According to Jesus the most important characteristic of the Kingdom of God is this.
What is love (love of neighbor in particular)?
Regarded as having the highest social standing in 1st century Jewish society.
Who are the High Priests?
The United Nations formed in _____ after this major event _____.
What is 1945 and World War II?
Someone motivated by enlightened self-interest would not help someone else. True/False
What is false?
She stood up for the rights of women, giving one well-known speech, "And Ain't I a Woman?"
Who is Sojourner Truth?
Disorder, destruction and suffering result when humans...
What is fail to love as God loves?
In 1st century society, having an illness was believed to be...
What is the fault of the sick person, as punishment from God?
In 1948 this document with 30 articles was agreed upon by all members of the United Nations.
What is the Universal Declaration of Human Rights?
The belief that each person should take responsibility for his/her own life, and others should not be expected to help when they fail.
What is individualism?
Fr. Michael Christiana shared his stories about his work in a ________ located in________.
What is a prison in Phoenix, Arizona?
Jesus deeply understood, both in mind and heart, others' experience of suffering. He responded to this suffering with...
What is compassion?
This Gospel story told by Jesus is so poignant because it demonstrates that those considered at the top of Jewish society failed to love someone in need, while a foreigner did what was needed...
What is The Good Samaritan?
The United Nations has 4 main purposes. Name 2.
What is 1. To keep peace throughout the world; 2. To develop friendly relations among nations; 3. To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger, disease and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each other’s rights and freedoms; 4. To be a center for harmonizing the actions of nations to achieve these goals
Name the 4 responses to suffering
What are hope/hopelessness, individualism, enlightened self-interest and compassion?
Founder of Homeboy Industries, he committed his life to creating a just world for those involved in gangs.
Who is Fr. Greg Boyle, SJ?
The transforming love of God is known as...
What is grace?
**Daily Double** worth 1000 points! Name the different groups of Jewish society in order of their importance at that time (there are 7 groups).
Who are the High Priests, Religious Authorities, Rich Men, Poor Men, Women, Foreigners, Sinners (the ill)?
The establishment of loving relationships among human beings, God, and creation so that life can flourish the way God intends is known as this.
What is justice?