An app or site that facilitates real-time communication through the sharing of images, words, or ideas.
What is a Social Network Site?
A photo-sharing app joined the world of CMC in 2012.
What is Instagram?
Blogging sites and platforms.
What are Medium, LinkedIN, Pulse, Tumblr, Blogger, and Wordpress?
The percentage of people in the United States that consume social media.
What is 7 in 10 or 70%
The practice of sharing the work of multiple bloggers from one commercialized site.
What is "hybrid media?"
A way of disseminating emergency information during natural disasters and providing services in response to public posts.
What is a "Social Storm?"
Tools to facilitate storytelling that are primarily used by Instagram and Snapchat.
What are Social Media stories?
The number of characters per tweet that Twitter originally allowed users to post.
What are 140 characters?
A keyword that helps social media users collect #metadata.
What is a hashtag?
This broad concept encompasses the creation of online identities, interacting and engaging with others, and participating in online communities.
What is Computer Mediated Communication?
False information disseminated through social media apps and sites.
What is "Fake News?"
This image sharing site is no longer giving a free terabyte of storage to free accounts.
What is Flickr?
Regularly publish high quality posts
Write effective headlines
Participate in the community
What are best practices for journalist's blogs?
The notion that media users select content and use it with expectations in mind.
What is the Uses and Gratifications communications perspective?
Increased attention to a media or Social Media post or exchange.
What is "earned media?"
An image, video, or text that is copied, changed (generally with humorous implications), and shared by Social Media users.
What is a meme?
This social media platform recently turn off the commenting function for any video containing children.
What is YouTube?
The term that describes sharing a Twitter status.
What is a retweet?
The piecing together of bits of information to create a larger narrative.
What is storytelling?
A way to measure the impact of social media communications.
What are Social Media metrics or insights?
Four overlapping media environments: Traditional, Social, Owned, and Hybrid are included in this media concept.
What is the (Edelman PR) Media Cloverleaf?
What is Snapchat?
What is the most popular Social Media App as of 2016?
What is Facebook?
Three overarching concepts used by Lipschultz to understand the power of social media.
When audiences piece together bits of information into a larger narrative for storytelling.
What is crowdsourcing?