Historical Figures

This British military officer played a key role in establishing British control over India by winning the Battle of Plassey in 1757.

Who is Robert Clive?


This city, known as Shahjahanabad during the reign of Emperor Shah Jahan, is famous for its historic landmarks, including the Red Fort and Jama Masjid.

What is Delhi? 


In this pivotal battle, Mir Jafar conspired with the British East India Company and financier Jagat Seth, leading to a decisive victory that established British control over Bengal.

What is the Battle of Plassey? [Bonus: 1757!] 


The belief in the coming of a transformative, often religious or apocalyptic event that will inaugurate a new age.

What is Millenarianism? 


He briefly lost control of his empire to an Afghan chief named Sher Shah Sur and had to seek refuge in the Safavid court in Iran.

Who is Humayun?


This city was the site of the first English trading factory in Mughal India, established by the East India Company in 1613, marking the beginning of British commercial interests in the region.

What is Surat? 


This 1739 invasion by the Persian ruler led to the plundering of Delhi and the significant weakening of the Mughal Empire. 

What is Nadir Shah's invasion of Delhi? 


A Mughal administrative and military structure where officials were ranked and granted land for service.

What is the Mansabdari system? 


He sacked Delhi in 1398, leading to widespread devastation and the decline of the Delhi Sultanate.

Who is Timur? 


This city in the Deccan was the capital of the  Sultanate, where Malik Ambar rose to prominence as a military leader. 

What is Ahmadnagar? 


After winning this critical battle, the British gained the Diwani, or the right to collect revenues from Bengal, Bihar, and Orissa. 

What is the Battle of Buxar? 


The period from 1400 to 1700, marked by the rise of centralized states, expanding trade networks, colonialism, and cultural and intellectual shifts that prefigured forms associated with modernity in the 1800s. 

What is the Early Modern World? 


This Nawab of Bengal, who ruled from 1760 to 1763, is known for his resistance against the East India Company and for losing the Battle of Buxar in 1764.

Who is Mir Qasim? 


This city became a center for the Chishti Sufi order and was notably associated with Emperor Akbar, who visited the tomb of the revered Sufi saint Moinuddin Chishti.

What is Ajmer? 


This battle fought in 1191 and 1192 between the forces of Prithviraj Chauhan and Muhammad Ghori marked the emergence of Islamicate polities in South Asia.

What is the Battle of Tarain? 


An economic system, prevalent in Europe from the 16th to the 18th centuries, which emphasized government regulation and accumulation of wealth through trade and the establishment of colonies. 

What is Mercantilism? 


In a notable painting, Jahangir [depicted standing on a lion] embraces this Safavid ruler [depicted standing on a lamb]. 

Who is Shah Abbas? 


This region, ruled by Alivardi Khan during the mid-18th century, was known for its wealth and strategic importance. 

What is Bengal? 


This global conflict, fought from 1756 to 1763, included a pivotal struggle between the French and British for dominance in South Asia. 

What is the Seven Years' War? 


Term describing the close relationship between military power and fiscal extraction in the exercise of state power. 

What is military fiscalism?