Types of Theatres
Parts of a Stage 1
Parts of a Stage 2
The Production Team
Stage Directions

A simple and plain performance space. Often just a room that has black walls, a flat floor (instead of a raised stage), and easily moveable theater seats.

What is blackbox?


The part of the theater that is not open to the public and is used by technicians or actors. This space includes backstage.

What is Back of House (BOH)


The physical surroundings where the action of a play takes place. Designed and built by technicians to best represent the play’s location. For example, if a play’s action happens in a kitchen, this might include a door, a table and chairs, a sink, a refrigerator, and an oven.

What is set?


The person who tells the actors and technical crew what to do and how to do it. Creates the artistic vision.

Who is the director?


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What is Down Stage Right (DSR)?


A stage that is surrounded on three sides by the audience. Sometimes part of a proscenium space.

What is thrust?


The areas just off stage left or stage right, not seen by the audience. The actors wait here immediately before they go onstage.

What are the wings?


The seating area that is closest to the stage in the main part of the house.

What is orchestra seating?


The person who controls the lights by operating the dimmerboard during the show.

Who is dimmerboard operator?


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What is Center Stage (CS)?


A space in which the audience sits in front of the stage.

What is proscenium?


The area behind the set that actors and technicians use to move from stage left to right without being seen by the audience.

What is crossover space?


A narrow metal bridge or walkway that’s usually very close to the ceiling and above the stage and audience. Technicians use this to reach and adjust the lights and other equipment.

What is catwalk?


This person must be extremely organized. They are the mediator between the director and the rest of the cast and crew. In charge of a smooth run of the show.

Who is the stage manger?


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What is Stage Right (SR)?


A space in which the audience sits around all sides of the stage. There’s no stage curtain and the set is generally very simple. 

What is arena/theatre in the round?


The area of the stage that’s just in front of the curtain.

What is apron?


A backstage room where the actors wait before they go onstage. Actors sometimes relax here before or after the show.

What is green room?


These people are the workers of the show. They follow the orders of others and typically have no say in the design process.

Who are the crew members/ stage crew?


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What is Up Stage Center (USC)?


This is the type of theatre space we have at RHS.

What is proscenium?


The area or room from where technicians control the lights and sound for a show. It is usually at the back of the theater and is usually soundproof. It lets technicians see the performance without being in the theater.

What is Booth/ Control Booth/ Crow’s Nest?


A supporting structure that hangs near the ceiling, above the stage or house. Lights and scenery are attached to this. When a lighting technician “hangs” a light, it means that he attaches a light to this thing.

What is grid/electrics?


The person in charge of collecting and distributing (prop)erties.

Who is the prop master?


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What is Center Stage Left (CSL)?