The Roman World
The Jewish World
Religious Categories

He was the son of god, savior of the world, and miracle worker that was prophesied to usher in an age of peace and prosperity. Who is this? 

Augustus Caesar 

He was the King of the Jews and the Roman client king over Judea, who in the Gospel of Matthew, is said to have murdered the children of Bethlehem in an attempt to kill Jesus.  

Herod the Great 


This theological term means, "false teachings".



In Mark, this man baptized Jesus in the Jordan River. Jesus later identifies him as a second coming of the Prophet Elijah.

John the Baptist 


Messiah literally means this. 

Anointed one or anointed thing.


This Roman General and Consul conquered Jerusalem and turned Judaea into a Roman client state in 63 BCE. 

Pompey Magnus


These Roman Civic Collaborators were average Jews working for the Roman Empire to collect taxes from the other Jews. 

Tax Collectors 


History tells us that all the earliest religions of the world started off as this type; where natural forces were sometimes turned into various gods. 



These are first to call Jesus the Son of God in Mark's gospel.

Demons or unclean spirits


This is an abstract expression of truth regarding the study of the divine using reason, arguments, propositions, conclusions, and logic.



This Roman poet wrote The Aeneid, Latin poetry that speaks of Aeneas and the founding of Rome. 



This "Herod" ruled over Galilee and Perea after his father died. He stole his brother's wife, Herodias, and killed John the Baptist. Jesus had nothing to say to him. 

Herod Antipas 


This approach to studying the life of Christ typically examines Jesus from the Bible and the point of view of the church, tradition, and/or creeds/confessions only. This approach argues that when it comes to the life of Jesus, the Bible is all we need to know. What is this approach called?

The Jesus of Faith


In Mark, how did Jesus prove to the scribes and crowds that he does have the power to forgive sins? 

He healed the man born paralyzed. 


These writings are not history. These works are distinctly Christian crafted theological narratives (stories) meant to argue and illustrate truth in a mythological and theological way, regarding who Jesus is.

The Gospels


The principle of Roman peace. Abide by Roman rule or be crushed by Roman rule.

Pax Romana 

This Jewish zealot gang attempted to spur war and revolution against the Romans. They even killed the Roman collaborator and Jewish High Priest, Johnathan. They were called the Dagger Men or this in Latin. 



These are religions that operate on the basis of belief (or faith) as well as some sort of written account directing what the religion teaches and how the religion should operate.

Faith Based Religions


During his Transfiguration, these two Hebrew Bible (Old Testament) prophets appeared alongside with Jesus. (Your answer must have both names). 

Moses and Elijah 


The Dead Sea Scrolls speaks of two Messianic figures. Each messiah figure was said to occupy different offices. What are these two offices? 

A political Messiah, like a king, and a religious Messiah, like a high priest. 


This Roman historian, writing in the days of Nero, argued that Augustus hoarded power for himself while distracting the Roman people. 



This was the literature of the Essenes. It provided two things: 1) Rules of the Community. 2) Apocalyptic Hope. 

The Dead Sea Scrolls


This is a type of altered state of consciousness where one becomes less aware of the physical, material, and external world, while at the same time experiencing sensitivity to the internal and spiritual world.

Religious Ecstasy 


According to the end of Mark 8, what did Jesus say you had to do if you want to be his follower?

“Deny yourself, take up your cross, and follow me.”


This was an age of peace, prosperity, and plenty, and was said to be brought in again when Augustus Caesar became the first citizen and emperor of the Roman world. 

Saturn's Golden Age