This color is worn throughout Ordinary Time. Ordinary time is the periods of counted or ordered Sunday's not because they are not important.
What is Green?
What is an Alb?
This posture is a sign of our worship and devotion. It is reserved for the most sacred times.
What is kneeling?
What is the Procession?
This is why you should arrive early to Mass.
What is praying/preparing?
This color represents blood and fire. Therefore it is worn on feasts of Martyrs and the Holy Spirit.
What is red?
Cinctures are tied around this part of the body. They represent the priest's promise of chastity.
What are waists?
This posture is used to when we can be more relaxed. Our role in this posture is to be attentive to what is being said or done.
What is sitting?
This gesture reminds us of our baptism. It reaffirms the seal placed on our foreheads from Revelation marking us as God's.
What is the sign of the Cross.
These are the days you must attend Mass.
What are Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation?
Gold or silver in the United States can be worn on these days, such as Christmas or Easter. These colors are considered to be "shades" of white.
What are days of greater solemnity?
These colored strips of cloth are a sign of office for the priest or deacon. Priest's hang flat from both shoulders, where deacon's are worn from the left shoulder to the right hip.
What are stoles?
What is standing?
This is a greeting found in many letters written in Jesus's time. It is still used as a greeting in the Mass and points to times we are about to do something important.
This is the name for the opening prayer of the Mass.
What is the Collect?
Aside from funerals, black can only be worn on this day. It may be substituted for white or violet.
What is All Soul's Day?
This is the difference between a deacon's dalmatic and a priest's chasuble.
What are sleeves?
What is the penitential act.
This is the name of the book that holds all the prayers of the Mass.
What is a missal?
These are the days where rose may be worn. they are days when our preparations are lightened and we rejoice in the upcoming feasts.
What are Laetare and Gaudete Sundays?
What is an amice?
On these two days we genuflect during the creed.
What is Christmas and Annunciation?
What is the Gloria?
This is what the word Mass means and it comes from the Latin words send at the end of mass. (Ita misa est.)
What is to be sent?