True or False: I am responsible for my own actions.
True or False: Bullying is on purpose.
What is Empathy?
When you notice how someone else is feeling and showing them that you care.
What is a Fixed Mindset?
The belief that intelligence is a fixed trait that doesn’t change much
What is work ethic?
Your values and beliefs about every job or task that you do.
Being responsible is…
Being accountable for what you do, for your actions and behavior
True or False: I can't do anything to stop bullying.
Scenario: “I am a teacher with a lot of students who are not listening or giving their best effort. I just want them to all learn a lot!” How am I feeling?
What is a Growth Mindset?
The belief that the more effort you put in, the more you are able to learn
What does it mean to have a strong work ethic?
People with a strong work ethic are driven to be dependable, responsible, and honest as they complete their work with a lot of effort.
What is a trade school?
A trade school is a school you can go to that will teach you a specific trade like welding, cooking, electrical, AC/Heating
True or False: Two people being mean to each other is an example of bullying.
False. Bullying is one-way, on purpose, repetitive and involves an imbalance of power.
Scenario: “My cat died last night. I had him for 5 years and he was my best friend at home.” How do I feel?
Which phrase is an example of someone with a growth mindset?
“I can’t do this.”
“Mistakes help me learn.”
“I’ll never be as smart as my friend.”
“I tried and it didn’t work.”
“Mistakes help me learn.”
I turn my homework in on time, I study for tests, and I remember to bring my Tuesday folder in. Do I have a strong or weak work ethic?
What is confidentiality?
Private information kept between student and the counselor
What are 2 of the 4 different types of bullying discussed in class?
Physical, Verbal, Social/Relational, Cyber bullying
Scenario: “I am a new student. I have been to 3 other schools already this year. I miss my old school and my old friends.” What could YOU do to show you CARE?
Ask him to sit with you at lunch
Which phrase is an example of someone with a fixed mindset?
“Is this really my best work?”
“I can learn how to do this.”
“What can I learn from my mistake?”
“I’m just not good at this.”
“I’m just not good at this.”
I am usually late to school because I don't want to wake up. I turn my homework in when I feel like it, and I make others in my group do most of the work. Do I have a strong or weak work ethic?
When would a counselor not be able to keep confidentiality?
1. When someone is hurting themselves
2. When someone is hurting others
3. If someone is hurting you
Give one example of two different types of bullying. You must say the type of bullying you are giving an example of.
Physical-hitting, pushing, kicking, slapping, shoving, punching
Verbal - "You are ugly"/"You are worthless"/"You have no purpose"
Social/Relational - spreading rumors, leaving someone out on purpose
Cyber - online. Posting rumors or mean things about another person. Pretending to be someone you aren't.
Scenario: “I am a teacher with a lot of students who are not listening or giving their best effort. I just want them to all learn a lot!” What could YOU do to show you care?
Does someone with a growth mindset or fixed mindset usually do better in school?
Fill in the Blank: Having a _________ work ethic will help me in school and in my future careers.
Hint: Strong or weak