Your School Counselor
Why do kids see a School Counselor?
Classroom Lessons
What does a School Counselor do?

Who is your School Counselor?

Mrs. Kotz
Why do kids see a School Counselor?
Because of .... A Problem at home, school, in the neighborhood, etc..

Will I visit your classroom?

Yes! This is called classroom guidance.


School Counselors help kids to solve ________.



Someone in our building that I work with a lot is our School Social Worker. What is her name?

Mrs. Whitfield


This will be my ____ year at Winter Park. 


Name two problems that a child might have that will want them to see a School Counselor.
Death of someone that they are close to, family break-up like a divorce, upset with a friend, bullying, they are lonely, having trouble with their behavior, stressed out, etc..
Classroom lessons are supposed to help students to make good __ __ __ __ __ __ __.
School Counselors do more than just work with children. Name two things that you think that a school counselor does in addition to working with kids.
Talk to Parents, Problem Solve with Teachers, Principals and other staff members, Work on Committees, Run Programs, etc..

What was my job before I became a school counselor?

I was a teacher!


How many children do I have? 

1 daughter!

How do you get to see the school counselor?

*Ask permission from your teacher to see me.* Write me a note telling me that you want to see me and why. Please include your first and last name and your teacher's name.* Ask your parent to contact me to let me know that you want to talk to me.

How will I expect you to behave when I am in your room?
I will expect you to be respectful, responsible, ready to learn and very peaceful.

Do I work with other School Counselors?

Yes! One Thursday a month, I attend a meeting with all of the other elementary school counselors. I also chat with other counselors frequently - helping, being helped


Where did I go to college?

ECU - Go Pirates! I received my bachelor's and master's degree from there.


What kind of a pet do I have?

A dog. Tucker!


Will I get to see you right away?

That depends. If you are having a real emergency, I will get to you as soon as possible. If you just want to have lunch with me, it might take a while since we have 300 students in our building.

Name two things that we might work on when I visit your classroom.
Bullying, Friendship skills, Test Taking Strategies, Being Safe, Making good choices, Careers, etc.

How many kids do I work with at once?

It varies. A whole class A small group mostly held at lunch Individually -- one child at a time


Name two things that I love doing when I am not at school.

Exercising, Reading, Riding my Bike, Spending time with my Family and Friends

Why did I become a School Counselor?
I love working with kids, talking with kids, helping kids, encouraging kids, problem solving with kids, etc..
What do I spend most of my time doing while I am at school?

Working with students!


How often do I normally go into classrooms and teach a lesson?

Once a month.


What is confidentiality?

Sharing any information with others - when you come to my office, what we talk about stays between us. UNLESS...


Name two tools that I use as a School Counselor.

Computer, books, games, art materials, etc.